Been on TRT for 3 months looking to start my cycle

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I’ve been on TRT for 3 months now. I am looking to start my cycle and looking for ANY recommendations. I got my labs back and everything is good. The week prior to labs I couldn’t remember if I did an injection so I did another. After, I did the math with the amount of stuff I have and realized I hit it twice in a week right before my labs. So, instead of 200mg I did 400mg last week and got labs done on monday. Again, everything was good but test levels showed >1500. Could this have raised my levels to that high? Below is what I currently do and below that is my proposed cycle.

Test C 200mg/wk split x2
HCG 1,200 iu/wk split x2
Anastrozole 1mg/wk

Week 1-12: Test C 500mg/wk split x2
Week 1-12: Masteron 400mg/wk split MWF
Week 1-12: HCG 1200 iu/wk split MWF
Week 5-12: Tbol 50mg ED
Week 1-12: Anastrozole 1mg/wk

Also, mods, you can reference my other account floki0418. I forgot password for that account.
I switched it over to introductions because I didn’t scroll down to the bottom of your post.

No biggy. I’m a chucklehead.
Welcome again.
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To answer your question. Yes. That much test in one week will skew your results.

I’m in no way telling you your business…the general rule of thumb with prescription meds in a case like yours is if you forget whether you took them or not is to not take them and pick up at the next scheduled dosing. That’s what my doc has me do with my beetes meds. BUT with trt it’s not life or death… the worst thing you’ve done is spike a blood lab. At least now you know what your t levels will look like on that dosing.
Because it is TRT that is the only reason I did it. I’ve been unsure a few times if I took the anastrozole and so I skipped it for that week if I was unsure.

I am 28, 5’7 and 170lbs. Currently around 17-19% BF. My goals are to lose more BF, gain a lot of strength, and build lean muscle.
The hat trick…lose fat… gain muscle… get stronger.

It’s doable. You’re young…
@mramerican69 Previous User Name Threads For Reference:
Looking for advice on cycle running soon Steroid Cycles and Discussion
I say I’m notice as I’ve e only ran 3 cycles. 2 cycles were just test e for 12 weeks at 500mg and the other was test e for 12 weeks at 500mg and anavar. All cycles I took aromasin EOD 12.5mg and just ended the cycle with the normal nolvadex recommendations. I’m looking to cycle test/deca/stanozolol and complete a 16 week cycle. Can y’all please give your feedback as to how I should cycle this. I went to Reddit and got a lot of mixed up recommendations and so now I’m just going to ask the pros. …
Looking to start my next please Steroid Profiles
Looking to get absolutely jacked…joking, haha. I am wanting to get stronger, bigger, and lose fat. I am currently on week 3 of TRT at 200mg test c. I figured I would start my cycle off on TRT. Tomorrow I planned to start the grown up stuff. I wanted to know what y’all think about this cycle. 10-12 weeks Test C 500mg/week Masteron Propionate 200-400mg/week Tbol 50-75mg/day split 2x/day for the first 6 weeks This cycle was recommended to me by Bigmurph on my old account (forgot password). I …
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Based on your previous threads, it looks as if you are accomplishing all your goals on “just” TRT.

Why not keep working hard, eating right, and taking it low and slow on TRT?

You should save the extras for when you truly plateau and need a helper.

Then and only then one card at a time, and the smallest to largest.

Also, you should find your maximum Test tolerance before side effects w/o using an AI.
This should be absolutely known before moving forward.
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You are not wrong. I guess I’ve been impatient. I’ve had this stuff for a year now, then I had surgery so I couldn’t jump on it, and after a few months of being in the gym and starting TRT a little after I just want to use it lol. I recently hired a coach for powerlifting so I’m getting into that now and would like to compete end of this year/beginning of next year.

Now, should I increase the test to 250mg/wk to test for sides with an AI or how should I go about doing that? Once I figure that out, should I go back down to 200mg/wk or what?
You’ve only been on trt for 3 months. Cool your jets young man hahaha.

I’m not speaking down to you. I can still remember when I was 28. I was a wide open impatient son of a gun. As I’ve aged I realize that 3 months is nothing in the overall scheme of things. At 28 3 months is 4-ev-er!!!

@Aude_Aliquid_Dignu gave you some solid advice. Ride this trt until you literally flatline. Then play with dosing a bit at a time.

Keep your gear in a cool dark place away from little fingers. It’ll keep.
I agree on pumping the breaks a little bit. If you’re set on adding a compound do it one at a time so you can see how you react. Tough to tel what’s what if you add mast/tbol and increase test dose all at once. I personally would do something like 300mgTest, then run the tBol for 6 weeks, back to trt dose for a bit, then 300mg test with the mast for a cycle. Let’s you really feel how each compound effects you. God example a lot of ppl love tbol I tried it and hated it, if I had introduced mast for the first time as well I probably would have stopped them both and not known which was causing my issues.
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I totally get it… I was in the same boat after a year on TRT and a blown knee which I wanted to recover from asap. I made mistakes that hopefully you won’t. Just because you are flying the plane now don’t go pulling all the levers and pushing all the buttons! Just get comfortable in the seat.

These are the things that I do…

*Stay on the doctor prescribed protocol for a full year or preferably two years.

*Develop intelligent questions of ask your doctor or coach on a regular basis

*Take quarterly notes on how you feel, what training you are doing, and what your weight/body fat/blood pressure are doing.

*Take notes on various supplements, vitamins, and AAS as you research so you learn about them (credible sources or medical publications only)

*Apple watch, withings scale, withings BP monitor to collect metrics.

*Analysis this data and look for patterns good or bad.

*Resists the temptation to skip ahead and add things that can’t be evaluate yet.

*Practice and repeat the above, training, and diet until it becomes second nature

*I stopped using my doctor prescribed AI and am letting my E2 run with my test. Current E2 level is 100 and I don’t seem to have noticeable side effect. There is a lot of evidence out there that E2 in not the devil. However, my prolactin is elevated due to the high E2 which can be easily mitigated using vitamin E at 800iu daily.
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I hate coming on this forum because I don’t ever hear what I want to hear lol. BUT I do listen. I listened last time and I will listen this time. Y’all have way more knowledge than I do so I take y’alls advice seriously and I respect y’all. I will run the TRT until I flatline like you said. What do you think about adding the 50mg/day of Tbol for 6 weeks?

@Aude_Aliquid_Dignu this comment is for you too.
mramerican69 said:
What do you think about adding the 50mg/day of Tbol for 6 weeks
I think you don’t need orals. I think you want to jump the gun. 3 months on trt is nothing.

Stay on for a year. Maximize that dose for your body. Have your training and diet damn near perfect for your goals.

Then, and only then start to increase test dose. No other compounds. The goal here is to see how high you can run test without the use of your AI.

which brings me back to now, stop taking your AI. Get labs again in a month. You need, NEED, to know how your body responds to test without altering your androgen:estrogen ratio. Or else the rest of the time you’re playing with AAS you will be shooting into the dark dosage wise.
Okay that makes sense. I will stop taking my AI from here on out. Should I get all my labs redone or just estradiol? I got raped in prices the other day for lab works because I don’t have insurance (I only have the VA).
I’ll have to check them out then. Do you know if I can get the VA to pick up my TRT prescription by chance? That stuff plus hcg is expensive as hell too.
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