SB Labs

Best or most popular cutting cycles

Lol I help plenty of people daily and lots on here come to me for
Advice because I know what the fuck I’m talking about and I actually look like I know. I won’t sit
Back and let you or anyone else give bad advice. If I see it I’ll call you out. You like to get mad because you think you know everything about gear and diet.
Lol because I call you out when you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Lol. I’ll ship a pacifier for you
Hahahaha thanks for getting this thread going again lol. Although pasty white bro they do have some thickness and shape. Keep it up bro.
Lol they really don’t look that pasty in person haha it must be the “lighting” my girlfriend is always telling me my legs are pale. I’ll measure my legs before and after a pump next leg day and see what they are at. I know my knee is 18.5in around because i just had to get a new sleeve since this meniscus tear is acting up
Hell yea. Damn bro hope it’s not torn. I was spotting a buddy years ago and I literally heard it pop. Hope yours isn’t bad
Oh yea I already know it’s torn, I had an MRI back in November. Torn meniscus, partially torn LCL and a baker’s cyst at the time. Baker’s cyst has gone away or at least gone down to where it isn’t felt anymore. I have a pretty good ortho, he just told me to be easy on it and it would need surgery eventually but as long as I could deal with the pain it isn’t necessary right away. I don’t go heavy on the legs right now because of it. Light weight baby! Lol I do feel like I was blessed with good leg genetics though. I have always had shape and thickness even at a higher weight. People compliment my calves all the time and I can honestly say I have never done a calf only exercise
Damn I have to kill mine so they look half
Way like I train them lol.
I will post these here but I am a bit self conscious because of the scarring I have. I told you about some of the stuff I have and had going on @PHD and the scarring is from one of those issues to deal with skin.
This post is old but I think it was going in a good direction.

What @Bigmurph was trying to say was that the gear won’t replace a calorie deficit and that diet would be key for any gear to work at its full potential. But I think there was a misunderstanding.