SB Labs

Bicep injury

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I know the sound!

Keep us posted and remember this very well could take a year or so to fully recover.
I had similar bruising that hurt like a motherfucker. I was chipping a log that was probably 10 to 12 inches and about 8 to 10 feet long. As i loaded into the feed wheels. They grabbed it picking it up and slamming it back down. Pinching my quad between it and the chipper. It looked like someone pinched up the muscle on my leg and cut the skin off they pinched up.
I had a partial tear of my right biceps tendon 27 years ago when I was 15, I cannot remember the percentage the doctor told me, but was not enough to warrant surgery. My right biceps is approximately 1” shorter than my left at full relax and has a much better “peak” at full flexion… IIRC I went about 8-12 weeks not doing a whole lot of upper body work when I tore it, and after that it was just a matter of easing back into things and understanding it was a ticking time bomb… however I did have a fairly successful career in powerlifting with several DL’s in the 600’s with zero issues, I just always made sure my right hand was an over hook rather than an under…
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