SB Labs

Bitcoin transfer and the next move

Between hackers ponzi schemes no way to recover. If you lose seed I want it separate from my main bank acct. if they get my bitcoin so be it but not my life’s work that’s for my wife and son to live comfortably. It serves its point now that every country has a coin how is it any different than money now other than electronic not paper
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Update on the new wallet I been using took a minute to get it situated but it is easy to use exchanges any Kind of crypto for you. I don’t have to move it around. Several times just plug and play has good security 2 factor email and face I have had one issue so far one of my transfers says completed but hasn’t yet I have contacted help desk to see wtf but other than that one time all is smooth simple and easy for me and I’m not a crypto guru
I’ll forever be behind the times on Bitcoin and am waiting for crypto to just become another fully monitored item by the government, like it is becoming. Hell, you already have to list any income made etc. on your tax returns for 2020.

Teenage son constantly nagging about Binance. I guess I’ll have to break down and use my crypto wallet one day.
BBSQ5 said:
Hell, you already have to list any income made etc. on your tax returns for 2020.
This is crazy its not income if they don’t recognize it as money?
I hate that they plan on taxing btc to death. I know multiple older men who will not invest a penny in crypto because they say that the usa government is going to tax crypto so much that its not worth making money off of crypto investments. Since 2019 they have been saying that crypto needed to be included and I heard that they added a line asking about crypto now.
It doesn’t get taxed unless you cash it out just like other investments. If they tax crypto to death everyone who is crypto rich will leave America also I feel like the usa government is trying to get rid of everyone who has money because the taxes and laws are just going to cause an exodus in my opinion especially with crypto rich people because there young and really would probably like to leave and live in a country that won’t tax them to death.

Sorry a bit long
For sure ridiculous! Wife has lots of clients that refuse to jump into the crypto game. Hell, Buffet can’t stand it.

Another note…How do all of you keep posting bits and pieces of posts in your replies?? I can’t figure it out on my phone.
Highlight the text that you would like to use and you will see a button that says quote its grey that will format the text to appear in your reply

If you have questions or it doesn’t work let me know @BBSQ5
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Me neither I just don’t tell them I made any bitcoin if they try and tax it dispute it it will go to court eventually but they will tax anyone that is foolish enough to list it kinda like how the hospitals send you a bill and it says do not pay or not an invoice even though it looks just like one and has a return envelope. If you pay it you think they gonna say you did or just keep it and insurance money too
I feel they will do the same there are places that require your social security number. That is where I stop social means taxable income and also credit score
Outlawthing said:
hospitals send you a bill and it says do not pay or not an invoice even though it looks just like one and has a return envelope. If you pay it you think they gonna say you did or just keep it and insurance money too
This is crazy is this a thing? Hospitals are robbing people?

I know that there definitely getting the insurance money
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It was so bad here. They passed a law to stop it law had to be made that patient pays his part that he was told initially and then after that insurance and hospital have to sort it out
Green dot isn’t coin investment there’s nothing confusing.

Rule #22 we don’t discuss that you can read the description of the category also it explains what the category is for no one is interested in an old plastic card that doesn’t exist anymore