Blast and Cruise sounds great right?

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I ruptured my bicep at work literally doing nothing it popped because I slid some chairs.
I wasn’t on any Anabolics at that point it was just during weight loss so it didn’t even happen while training but messed up my training for life.
Just had bloods drawn today during my “tapered cruise” and will be interesting to see where things land. Have been running test prop 350mg/week, mast prop 140mg/week, NPP 140mg/week. As well as using some PWO TNE and/or Godzilla Piss from time to time. Depending on how the bloods come back, I likely will cut all of that by 50% for the true “cruise.”
The more body fat thing is a great topic too and so is blast and cruise. Blast and cruise is peoples justification on there lack of discipline and moderation. It’s called a cycle for a reason. Blast and cruise means I can’t physically stop myself from taking it. Sounds like a mental addiction to me. Lack of PROPER PCT. is like loading the gun and pulling the trigger. Had I known about it maybe I wouldn’t be A TRT guy for over a decade and what I had to go through to get it with 5 doctors and all the appointments $$$$ I spent on nothing the infertility I know kids are hard headed and they all think TRT Is glamorous but it sticking yourself over and over and over forever your body becomes normalized and doesn’t even notice it like when you take a good cycle when your pct a d let yourself clean out. I always speak up when someone says PCT cause it’s more important than the cycle what good is a cycle if you gonna loose all motivation energy and drive to keep pushing, PCT ISNT LIQUID CLOMID FOR TWO WEEKS EITHER it’s CLOMID, NOLVADEX, HCG, HCG, and more HCG. Maybe some ai and. BLOODWORK. I can tell a difference on TRT when I do not take HCG people tell me I’m wasting it and everything else, I can feel a difference. I don’t feel normal without it too I would love to see research on HMG it looks amazing is price worth gear?
I think if I had a redo it would be
with AI
@Kad1 doesn’t look like a meat-O-saurus for no reason and a s wear he pisses PRIMO
That’s would be a great study I can say from personal experience with it I was 320 lbs when I got on TRT 200mg per week had me at 638 total test and I believe it was like a 10-12.5 free test she wouldn’t test estrogen ever IDK why but she was the best endocrinologist I found to that point as I got more motivated and in shape my test levels started creeping up 800- 900 she asked me once if I changed dose and I said nope got to 220-240lb area and it was 1111 total and free test was 35 I believe felt great best in years and she wanted to cut my dose I said oh hell no she did any way and I did 150 per week but I eased on down to 5 day instead of 7 kept working out and got to 205lb and I felt so light headed I went back to 215 where I felt good went through firefighter training P 90x was killing it I went on vacation after giving blood and she called me a few days later from her personal cell cause I wouldn’t answer work numbers freaking out my test levels shot up to over 3000 and free test was so high they said they couldn’t measure it free test took almost 3 weeks to come down to testable levels I told her I thought it was because I had lost all that fat and wanted to check estrogen, prolactin, progesterone, and all that stuff she didn’t want any part of it and made me crash my test before writing more script that why I’m here cause i went from feeling great prob second best shape in my life to feeling like death again all I was on was prescribed Watson test and if I ever find it again I will the shit out of it someone here had some a long while back I can probably go get test results if they keep them that long she was not in my insurance network so it’s not on line but I will if you want to see them @NeuroRN . I feel very strongly about the correlation between test and body fat You should become the doctor OZ OF AAS. You will always be my doctor OZ.
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