Blast and Cruise sounds great right?

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That’s the exact fact is were not here exclusively for members using compounds. Were here for everything across the board and all of us workout hopefully even without gear.
I feel like death I still hit the weight 5x a wk and cardio everyday in the morning.
Im serious I set a goal and im going to reach it without trt even if it kills me lol

It is killing me lol im getting old brother lol
Once I get 7lbs off I will be ready in my mind to start TRT
I really want to achieve this weight loss naturally and im almost there
I know you got it in “your” head about weight loss… but…why wait?

You need it for a fact.

You’ll be on, at least, trt forever…fact.

Not fact…7lbs isn’t that much although I understand your battle…YOU gotta do what YOU think is best for YOURSELF.
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Its honestly that I set it as a goal and the entire time since I started again originally I have never given up on anything except for cycles that I dropped because of different issues so its just pride.
I have to wait to start trt anyways honestly it just can’t happen right now so I really want to achieve this one.
There is always room at the top and if there isn’t you push them off . I dont know about amazing I was good and pissed off from looking and feeling like crap and no one helping me with my whore-moans and I had a lot of time to do meal prep and exercise with cardio at least twice a day.
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I had 5 trt doctors before I gave up that’s not counting the two general practitioners one who said that’s your normal the other said you are messed up not my specialty so let’s find someone but even the specialists are not that special not to they all are not the one lady did her best and actually cared how I felt she got worried it was so high she called me on her personal phone on her time I got a lot of respect for that. You can’t hardly find that anymore it’s come back in a few weeks if it don’t get any better, if I’m at doc it aint getting better cause it’s been burning and itching for months I mean when I pee I mean I already tried ice rest anti inflammatory for at minimum a month if the need to see me so many times just bill me the damn visits I will pay the co pay let’s get this moving

The best and I will actually refer someone doctor I had was the ones that helped with my infertility and that’s a whole nother mess of doctor BS THEY CARED THEY TRIED THEY TOOK BLOODWORK they did everThing I would say they needed to and I could email then with an issue and they would fix the damn problem no questions asked other than info on issue
Sad thing is it was a wellness. Clinic I had to pay more but I got what I paid for @NeuroRN I know we have rules and things in place for a reason and I don’t dare criticize your profession I been a firefighter I have seen the mess that you walk through everyday. But damn if it I’m ain’t broken
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Outlawthing said:
if I’m at doc it aint getting better cause it’s been burning and itching for months I mean when I pee I mean I already tried ice rest anti inflammatory for at minimum a month if the need to see me so many times just bill me the damn visits I will pay the co pay let’s get this moving
It is almost always about money
I can’t figure out if I just can’t spell it’s auto correct that ain’t so correct I got fat fingers or I’m just not right I have to reread my posts to figure out what the heck I just said
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I’ve seen some disgusting injuries in person… ankles breaking walking out squats, quads rip right off knees, pecs tear, biceps, it’s hard to stomach, but at the same time I was willing to push my body beyond broke to do what I wanted to do… having a fake hip at 41 is proof, along with all my other injuries… battle scars of my war with stupidity as I like to call them, and yet here I still am, with heavy dreams of a 600+ lbs deadlift and 1000 lbs total in 2 lifts in my handicapped state when I am able to compete again.

It goes the same way in my life with supplements too. I cycled and PCT from 19-25, and I think in that 6 years I maybe ran 9 cycles total… I had to be careful in college, as I was an athlete and didn’t want to get caught, kicked off the team or even out of school, so cycles were minimal during the school years… from 26-35 and less than 2 months from 36, I was “on”, and never came off until after my hip
Injury sidelined me… now I’m 41 and have been on TRT since just before my 37th birthday. If I could change some things, I would never stop just running cycles and keep doing PCT and taking time off every year, but the push to consistently put out bigger numbers in everything consumed me
Its definitely broken but not at the fault of anyone who actually works in the field.

You crazy with this finger smelling lol

This is why I have to wait to start trt I only trust one doctor and I travel far far to see him and its worth it because he is a real doctor who does care and makes sure that patients are taken care of
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