Blast and Cruise sounds great right?

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That’s an awesome story!! And incredible weight loss.

Haha in order to be the Dr. Oz of AAS… I think AAS have to be a bit more legal. And I think anabolic doc’s got a lock on it!
My dad is a bodybuilder and has torn both his bicep tendons (one tore from his shoulder and the other tore from down low)

His surgeon is also a good family friend and has looked at my shoulders before due to an injury. He said to watch out for my biceps because he believes that my dad and I both may have something genetic that predisposes us to those kind of tendon tears. Don’t know much more than that, but now that I’m thinking on it I may shoot him a text for more info.
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That’s cool I was just curious that sucks I tore from my forearm really bad my bicep was in my shoulder. Got surgery right away and I would say 60% of what it was even after everything and this is years later so just don’t over grow your tendons and try to use tendon helping dietary supplements possibly also never use Winstrol lol
My partial tear is down at the elbow, it makes my right bicep look about 1” shorter than my left bicep. It makes doing a lot of things interesting, like trying to switch grips on DL’s… I couldn’t ever dream of using my right hand as an underhook, it would probably finish the tear immediately.
That sucks brother. I use to get so much more weight up with switch grip. And I hate hook grip. But mostly sucks that it limits you.
I’ve always gotten the most weight with double overhanded grip. I’ve torn a bicep as well (both long and short heads) and had it repaired, but only the short head took. Just not risking another bicep tear.
I deadlift over/under, but my right hand always has to be over, otherwise too much strain. I always thought it would be nice to alternate grips for training purposes, since undertook/overhook affect different things, but I never could. I was never comfortable going double overhand, it always felt slightly weird.

@Rusty try doing static holds for grip strength, and dumbbell rows as heavy as possible with no straps. I never lost a deadlift because of grip, the only ones I ever lost were the ones I couldn’t get over my knees
This morning I was surfing YouTube and got on the “gym fails” videos. It was the usual chuckleheads doing stupid stuff. One video had a compilation of dudes that knew what they were doing but missed lifts for various reasons. They had a string of torn bicep clips…I had to stop watching. It was gruesome.
I wonder if you’re blast and cruise article made sense to some of our younger members?

@JLee just posted labs the other day. His cycle and subsequent pct was text book.
Yes @JLee is a smart man top member.

I hope so I figured that it can go two ways
One a bunch of people stop talking because they don’t want to be told not to blast and cruise which is there choice

The second would be that hopefully under 30 especially see that this is the truth this is what happens and they decide to use with Harm Reduction in mind.

I still have the same beliefs that if you’re competing that’s one thing if you’re a bber or make money off of the way you look in any way then I believe go for it just make sure that you get insurance that covers TRT LOL but its true

I just hope that people take something if anything from it
My opinion is I think some younger folks get caught up in the “lifestyle”…they feel like if they’re not “on” all the time, that they’re being left out and that they have nothing to talk about…when in fact this is exactly opposite.

I keep bringing him up… @JLee is absolutely the perfect example where you can cycle on AND OFF properly and still be in the “lifestyle” and contribute to conversations.
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