guys I’m still alive and there are people who got it way worse. No worries I will be here till I’m gone and I’m like a Tick on a hunting dogs nuts, fat, full, and hard to pull off. got two choices, stay down, or get up and it’s all in How you react to it. But no I’m not dead yet so guess again. Lol I have thalassemia. My blood is always a little off. Deca is my best friend. It makes me Grow like a beast my blood rarely gets too thick honestly this is the highest I have ever saw it. But I am due for blood loss at the vampire center of America. Now I tell you what I don’t want anymore blood infection crap. I still Don’t think it’s gone feels like it’s in my bone in my ankle and like there is little critters that crawl Around in my leg from time
To time. My cholesterol is like that cause I don’t eat fish hardly at all I do however take fish oils. Y’all wanna see something nasty my legs necrotic when that shit was kicking