SB Labs

Boldenone versus Dbol


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Hi everyone.

I have read that Boldenone and Dbol are very very closely related, yet they act so much different.

I know @Optumpharma has something to say about the boldenone and insulin use, so maybe he can elaborate his thoughts here, and why dbol seems to work so much better and quicker than the Boldenone.

I also have tried shorter esters of Bold and really didn’t see any benefit, maybe you have tried a shorter ester and saw something like dbol?
I like eq my favorite it’s gentle I get veins everywhere and not a lot of stress on body you don’t see a lot of massive gains compared to others but I keep most all of it add the insulin post workout and boom I would say it would have a nice synergistic effect the short water work faster but tend to have pip I would rather just front load the eq I have ran 400 mg eq with no issues with pip
I used to use EQ year round for the slow, solid gains, along with test and deca. Unfortunately, my hemoglobin was critically high for years, most likely from EQ and anadrol. These days I stick to test and a nandrolone base and add in various things. Anadrol i sooo badly want to add because I get real full and hard with no joint pain. But, I’m kind of scared that my hemoglobin issue will come back. Last time my hemoglobin was critical high at 25 I ended up getting sciatica real bad and became bed ridden for a month and I lost half my left leg size from nerve damage. Test and nandrolone year round feel the best to me.
That being said… Anything we can do, besides give blood to keep that in check suppliment wise?
Did you by chance see my telemedicine doctor post? Looking for one that can order the labs on my insurances dime.
I did, I’m unfamiliar with the telemedicine trt. Other than what advertises on my instagram.

I would love to find one as well, until then I would recommend reading “testosterone optimization therapy bible” it covers goals, labs, ancillaries of TRT.
I had it at a critical levels for years so that was my norm. I always felt like shit. When I drained my blood it was super thick and you could see the oil in it.
Im currently on a blast of test/EQ/mast for 16w. EQ is at 600… when would you guys recommend donating blood?

As far as your original topic OP, my first cycle I did a Dbol starter and now running EQ. It’s crazy to me that they are apparently so similar considering the difference in what they did for me. Dbol made me much stronger And bigger so fast it was almost laughable. EQ is increasing my vascularity and endurance, lean gains. They feel like complete opposites lol.
I would do it as soon as possible then again as soon as possible the more you do it the better it’s every 56 days here so you should really just donate blood all the time on or off cycle Also make sure you take 1 baby aspirin a day too it will help
The are as related as masteron and sdrol. They have completely different effects and side effects. When they added the 17aa group to the compound it completely changed it.