Can't stay disciplined


Well-known member
Can’t seem to find the discipline to stay on my dit lately. My life is changed now. Before I was single and competed in NPC and had plans of at least going to nationals or USA shows. Now I am married and with 2 kids. Train hard af, take gear bUT lack discipline with cardio and diet. I’m 230lbs at 5’9" 27 years old. Bf around 12% when I stay on diet my body responds quick, when not on Goof clean diet, I look like shit. Not best genetics but not the worst either. Legs, back, chest, shoulders are good (can always be better) arms are a weak point (honestly)
…any tips thank you
We all get there. Just put in your head what you want and just do it bro. Always be prepared prep your food for the week do ever be caught without food. This will help you a lot. Good luck
Hello my brother, if you are honest with yourself…why shooting if you are struggling with most important concept of athleticism: discipline, you are wasting your money and operating in simple addiction . Contemplate your own life and start with basics …easy does it. leave the house with your meals, get ready the day before, stay focus on your small, daily goals. God bless you.
[email protected]
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When I struggle with diet or anything else I have to reevaluate my choices. In my experience no amount of advice will lead me to the decision(s) I need to make. Only my mindset allows me to put thoughts into action.

What was a game changer for me is that instead of looking at my diet and training as something I HAD to do I started making it part of my lifestyle. Just like going fishing, work, church, etc. When things become part of my lifestyle no decisions need to be made and no sacrifices considered because a lifestyle is second nature and without thought.

Divorcing negative thinking was helpful… instead of thinking about all the things I don’t get to do I think about all the things my lifestyle allows me to do.

… anything worth doing is worth over doing.
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