Checking test levels when's the best time

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Started 250mg trt dose a few months ago, and I’m about to get my blood work done. What is the best time to get checked?
If you are doing Monday/Thursday injections I’d do it on Wednesday. If you are injecting on Monday? I’d do Thursday. Since it’s been a few months that would give you level numbers.
Three days after shot is what they do mine supposed to be peak but that’s with 1 shot per week and she checks first thing in morn when lvls are at the highest of the day that’s coming from my endocrinologist.
So I’m doing my trt on my own accord since my doctor didn’t support my choice to start. Just got my results back and he said they where to high and is very concerned. I take sustanon 250 and I microdose it in 2 shots a week. My levels came back at 1840ng for total testosterone and 64ng free testosterone, is this concerning or normal for someone doing trt? My doctor is really concerned, how should I approach this with him?
Any doc will flag this and tell you to step down or reduce dosage. The numbers most docs look as normal is 400-1100. Most like to shoot for close to the middle of the road. My doc is happy with my levels around the 650 to 750 range. And for my age that’s a good number. So. Yes. You are high for TRT. If you are looking for TRT levels. Need to back down if you are prescribed Test. If not I assume you are doing two 1 ml shots a week? In that case those are good numbers for 500mg of Sust.
For just TRT it’s high, on 100mg of test cyp a week my levels are just a little over 700.
This now has me concerned could something else be making my levels this high I’m only taking .5ml of sustanon on monday then again on thursday for a total of 1ml 250mg a week.
So when I first started my levels where pretty normal that being why my dr didn’t recommend but at 40 years old I felt like I needed a little more my levels where Total testosterone 527 ng/dl, free testosterone 7.38 ng/dl. Now being way higher Im looking for recommendations on adjusting or if I should be even doing trt?
Wow. Maybe your receptors are more sensitive. How many cycles do you have under tour belt? I can tell you my first was my best ever and it was TestE only. If that’s all you’re taking and numbers are that high, id be dumping in the solid protein and beating the shit out of iron and steel. I take 250Mg for TRT and hit 750 pretty consistently. I’ve been doing it for 10+ years.
At 40 and 527 That’s pretty normal numbers. Most docs wouldn’t prescribe TRT for that. TRT specific docs would maybe push you to 750-800. But even those guys get flaky if you are over 1100. The biggest question is. How do YOU feel? And how long have you been on your program?
Imo opinion there is no magic dose for trt Everyone is different between three people I know one of us uses 125mg per week 200per week and 300 per week And all our lvls are close to the same around 1000 If you wanna trt with sustanon which has multiple esters I would say it is gonna be harder but if 1 cc per week is 1800 do 3/4 cc and retry I would prob swap over to a single ester even prop just to have more control 1800 is high for trt think of it like this 300 is an 80 yr old and 1300 is teenager in puberty why did you want trt in first place ? Did you feel bad ? Or was it something else
I did 3 cycles in my 20’s and 2 more around 35 and now at 40 I have started trt. Its been a little over 4 months. I feel good my energy started out great but has kinda of deminished, libido is great, mental is good.
I had before I started and they where normal levels. But I’m not seeing that they checked them this time though. But wouldn’t I know if I was having estrogen problems from side effects?
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