Checking test levels when's the best time

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My primary is recommending for me to see a endocrinologist now so I’ll Have him check it out. I haven’t been having any side effects so that’s a plus.
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Some docs refer to this initial burs of energy to the honeymoon part lol. I remember it and so does my dad. I believe people have it from the body being sort of ultra sensitive to it partly, and the ratio of test to estro level. I know I can get by like 3 or 4 wks w out an a.i. before the lack of motivation sets in hard. Estro sides are sneaky little bastards, bc. The come creeping in very subtle. Even still I’ve read on the gyno thing, which everyone seems to focus on obviously that its like 18 months of very high estrogen before breast tissue starts forming to where you’d notice. Anyway just to try and set your mind at ease when you get your estrogen and test numbers to the levels you feel best remember the numbers. Those will be what you shoot for in the future 👍 oh yeah I wouldn’t be concerned about the test levels like @TBU said it really is how do you feel. Altho you should feel pretty damn good lol. Again I wouldn’t expect to feel that inital shock and awe. Good luck bro
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My first run of high test felt amazing, but like all drugs, you never get that initial high again.
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There’s a rough chart somewhere in here about the math of test and output of ml per shot. But. 500 a week would be pretty close to 1700-1800 I believe.
My test lvls were at 125 before trt and I got one test back at like 34 doc said he had never seen one that low when they hit me boy it was like damn high speed chicken feed it finally settled down you be chasing the dragon for ever
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