Common fellas step your game up

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I’ve been seeing a lot of post lately of simple things that are so easy my 3 yr old could do it without even trying ! This whole Email not working , I’m trying to contact so and so . If you can’t figure it out how do you pay your bills !! @Bigmurph has enough to do here let alone pull you by your hand step by step ! I don’t even moderate and I can see how annoying this is … It’s really easy guys and read follow instructions and look up the info … it’s all there just have to look !!! Sorry if it offends anyone!
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It shouldn’t everything is on the website.
I agree that if you’re confused or need help ask before doing but contact information is all over every sponsors category the magnifying 🔎 glass actually searches our site not Google so you will get every post ever written with your search.
When members ask questions I usually help and that’s what ugmuscle is all about helping each other and Harm Reduction.
So please members help members but remember were not a market place if one member helps another in anyway relative to market place activity no questions asked dust in the wind so be extremely careful with your words.
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:raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: I’m all for helping folks, I think I’ve made that clear. But a lot of folks recently have been wanting to be spoon fed information when I KNOW it’s been discussed 19 times before.

Please hit the search up before you post a new topic. If you need a new topic, or can’t find an answer in an old thread then absolutely start a new one. But a lot of really great info to be found by hitting up the magnifying glass.
Alright we don’t want people asking obvious questions that can be figured out quickly of course but I want you to post anything that you want as long as it is within the rules.
When I say post everything and anything about bodybuilding lifestyle, diet, training ,compounds makeup , cycles stacks blast and cruise and more and more lets start getting each other bigger and better.

The simple questions will still be answered ehy because im a nice guy and that’s what I do I like to help others it makes me feel better about bad things ive done in the past if I can help members with Harm Reduction and other questions so that hopefully nothing bad happens because there’s no guarantee about anything
Yes this has nothing do with be mean or not wanting to help anyone out . That’s what so great about this place if you need the real questions answered everyone is always helpful and it’s so easy to look up in the magnifying glass … I learned more and more each day on here without having to ask simple questions that can be figured out with common sense . I’ve had no problem what so ever with finding any contacts emails or emails getting responses back . @NeuroRN your 100% right now days people want everything spoon fed and handed to them without doing the work ! Guess what all the aas is the world won’t make you smart lol do the research people !!!
I’m gonna do a write up on things we need to maximize muscle growth on or off cycle. Been doing some research and there is a lot of bs bro science out there but also a lot of good studies by universities and such. I won’t use anything from a site that is trying to sell stuff or has certain products highlighted as a link in their articles.
What about having a General Question thread? Something where you can ask a simple question that doesn’t warrant an entire dedicated thread? Just a thought
There’s an incredible amount of bullshit science out there and I personally would love to read you write about different topics.

Honestly I would like to see everyone writing about different topics and whats new what’s old and what’s been debunked
General thread is for general questions or did I misunderstand what you are trying to say?

We’re good don’t stress I will always accept opinions on how people believe ugmuscle should be we can grow as a community this way we have always listened to our community and made changes whenever needed
We will all help. I think @Bigmurph is asking to research first. Almost every question asked is easily searched. Gets tedious writing the same thing over and over. I’ll still answer any question, but a little self help goes a long way. But like I said. Anyone asks, I’ll try and answer. :+1:t3:😁:+1:t3:
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