SB Labs

Contest time

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Had them backwards, so I stand corrected and apologize. Both Nick and Derrick workout there and my wife and I chat with them frequently, so I have no clue why I fucked that up. They are some big dudes and did great in Vegas.
I had to vote down on squat pads… I’ve never heard or seen “jefferson squats “ and pads on a regular squat bar are blasphemous.

Ok on a yoke bar though.
Oh man, gonna have to go with pads are gay… I’ve never done a Jefferson squat or used a pad or tampon. Although one time I got chafed, rolled up some tp and put it between… You get the idea… So it was a manpon of sorts. Not sure why I decided to share all that.
Hahahaha guys I’m loving all the replies this is awesome. I’m seeing all your replies but I can’t comment due to giving away which one I think is gay. Keep them coming
You should see the car he bought right before he moved. Definitely took some of that prize $$ from Olympia. I guess I live with my head in the sand, because I didn’t even think to ask why he hasn’t been at Mi40 in a while.
This was a hard one for me to choose. I’m going with @PHD thinks pads are gay because if you can’t handle the weight in any form you shouldn’t go that heavy. And as stated before he is a trainer. And @TG thinks Jefferson squats are gay because am guessing he is an old fucker like me and too prone to injury and it looks like a good way for me to injure my old ass self.

Personally I think they are both gay and have never used pads or straps or anything to assist with weight I cannot handle in one way or another. And Jefferson squats just look like a good way for me to hurt myself again. Don’t need anymore of that.
Sleezetoast said:
though one time I got chafed, rolled up some tp and put it between… You get the idea… So it was a manpon of sorts. Not sure why I decided to share all that.
Hahaha. Ya never thought of doing that. I usually use baby powder or tight boxers. But if I am ever in a pinch now I have another alternative.

My friend at Arnold. If Derek is 5’6”I’m 6’5”haha
Ok @members so the results are in and Drum roll…….

80% say pads are the bar are gay that’s what I say also grow some traps lol

20% said Jefferson squats are gay of course that’s what @TG thinks is gay (members have spoken it’s final no discussions tg lol)

The winners are below. As stated the 5 winners get a free bottle of test with their order. You have to meet @Omegaman minimum order to receive your free bottle. Thanks for playing guys this was a fun one. It was all for fun and wasn’t meant to single out anyone. Well maybe Derrick lundsford sorry my guy lol


Winners contact @Omegaman ans place your orders to receive your free bottle.
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PHD said:
Derrick lundsford
I’m not done with my explanation lol. Sorry In advance lol. I’ll single that part out tomorrow with Derricks video. But for now, I’ll address the pads.

I use the manta ray which is a hard rubber grip made to distribute weight better and better control. Similar to how yoke bar works.

But in general….






These legends and many more used pads or towels more then you think. Especially one of the greatest bodybuilders known for quads, Tom Platz. None of them did a gay sex move like they’re bouncing up and down on a d trying to ease it in lol. Jefferson squats work of course. A favourite of Kai Greene. Somewhere along the line in social media people decided to sacrifice comfort for discomfort. They thought it looked cooler without the pad. When reality it did no difference.
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