SB Labs

Contest time

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I just came here to say they’re both gay lol. Since being a part of the gay community I can tell you for a fact that the average gay dude is way more jacked then typical cishets.
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Pads can make. The bar slide 🛝 ts not as safe nurlling is there for a reason
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Yet still it was done over and over without any issues with some of the top bodybuilders that made the sport. Ronnie Coleman, Platz. Using pads and towels in the 80s-90s no one had issues.


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Towels will have. Grip but I would trust those pads I’ve seen them
Slide and broken arms ensue. People do a lot of stupid stuff
The nurling in strongman comps get taped up in Europe. You can see many of Eddie halls photos even in his personal gym the bar nurling is taped over.



The grip I use doesn’t move. It’s a fitted rubber and allows to control bar easier when not having a spot over the traps and shoulders by keeping it higher.
You cant call facts invalid. You can call it gay all you want lol. But facts are facts. its still not as gay as squatting up and down sideways on bar saying “ooohhh” each time at the top lol
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Hahah I will use something for hip thrust never done a Jefferson it’s one of those lifts that im not sure as powerlift I’ll get out of maybe help dead’s
Jefferson’s are more for abductors and glutes only real benefit is for competing I don’t see it as a mass builder. I actually hate them they suck ass and are hard to do
I need better cakes mayeb I’ll give them a shot during this hypertrophy phase but not out as main movement maybe paly around one secondary day also could work my hook grip with them
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