SB Labs

Covid and Testosterone

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Ya I feel ya there. I feel like I wanted half the cycle I got from Laser. I should’ve waited longer before starting it. But we cycle and we learn!!
I did not. My wife did so everything she cooked tasted like a salt factory haha. She has it about half back and it’s been going on three weeks. My sister in law lost hers for a month before she started getting it back. Everyone is a little different
I actually lost both and now my smell seems to be stronger than ever things smell incredibly powerful.
My taste was wiped out but now every time I taste something its like for the first time and it doesn’t taste like I remember its crazy weird.
@Bigmurph you had Covid also? I missed that!! The whole thing is weird. One day I felt like I was going through detox. I never lost my taste or smell. But I certainly have a much more sensitive taste then ever before. Especially to things like salty and sweet.
I swear that’s exactly what I thought I was really believing that someone had dosed me and I was starting to detox. Then things went south quickly.
I’ve heard that from a few other folks around here also. Compared it to detox. I also heard that companies are making policies already for future. That if you haven’t gotten the vaccine that you won’t be allowed in certain places. Like any events ticket master does. For example. You buy tickets to a football game and you don’t have proof that you got vaccinated they won’t let you in. Also university’s. If you don’t have your vaccinations they won’t let you be a student there. This is just like Obama care. We won’t have a choice. Everyone has to get it. I don’t understand that. If I don’t get the vaccine and I go somewhere all the people there who are vaccinated are not at risk. So why do they care. If all of us that choose not to get it die off why do they care. It’s a survival of the fittest thing. It’s just all about the money. Pharma wants everyone forced to get it so they can rape the government for as much money as possible just like the insurance companies did with Obama care. I also heard the vaccine is brutal especially the second shot makes you really sick. I would rather just risk getting Covid again. I hope all these things are not true.
I have been slowly getting it back but I believe its from eating and smelling and relearning what things actually taste and smell like it definitely sucks for sure
After your done with Covid they say you are immune for three months. Dunno about taste it’s different for everyone. My wife was one week after.
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