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CPAP support & sleep/rest/recovery resource TOPIC


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Are you pulling all-nighters? Do you have an underlying sleep disorder and is it amplified by your AAS usage?
Many of us are constantly chasing numbers, whether it’s with the iron or on the scale and for some of us we’re chasing numbers by counting the hours/minutes in which we sleep or don’t sleep!
Let’s share ideas & protocols in this topic that may better assist each other with achieving a healthy sleep schedule to optimize our gains and maximize our potential.

First, let’s take a moment here and reflect on some important factors that outline and ultimately give structure to the entire lifestyle of bodybuilding and fitness…
If there was to be any terminology or reference that remains synonymous to you, I sure hope it would be the words “rest & recovery”…

With this being said, I would assume that most of you already know how vital it is with supplying our bodies with the appropriate macro nutrition,
timing with meals and as well as cardiovascular health…

On that note: Let’s not forget the very importance of adequate sleep & recovery.
Sleep alone is more vital and should be more consistent than your training and the reality is it’s far more superior than your supplementation and AAS intake.

In point of fact sleep is the “authoritarian of your gains”…

Would it come as a surprise to you if I told you that a lot of bodybuilders, power-lifters and athletes alike struggle with sleep disorders?!?!
Sleep apnea being the highest culprit on the list of disorders.

I personally live with a chronic sleep disorder that comes in a variety of symptoms and characteristics. Sleep apnea being the Uno numero, followed by a genetic predisposition to anxiety.
The combination of both can prove to be rather difficult with obtaining a steady and stable sleep pattern.
In many cases including my very own we sometimes rely on natural or prescription supplementation in attempt to achieve the desired state of rest, a “good night’s sleep”…

Do you have questions or concerns on what you could do to improve your quality of sleep and your performance output?
Do you have any protocols or suggestions that you would like to share or recommend for others?

Supplementation, medication, relaxation or meditation… Let’s hear your feedback!

My current program:
CPAP machine (Pressure 4-20)

Supplementation cock-tail before bed/rest:
1mg Xanax (script)
750mg Gaba
10mg Melatonon gummies
2ius HGH (currently NOT on HGH but this is added to the cock-tail 80% of the time)
Okay so most people always talk about how I’m always up. Years ago I did polyphasic sleep. The Ubermann schedule. Now I do variations of it. TBH I love it.

Info on it
Polyphasic sleep

Polyphasic sleepers can rest 4 to 6 times during a day. These sleep combinations are broken down into categories including:
Everyman: A long sleep time of around 3 hours with approximately three 20-minute naps throughout the day.
Uberman: Only 3 hours of sleep per day in the form of six 30 minute naps throughout the day.
Dymaxion: Only 2 hours of sleep per day, in the form of 30 minute naps every 6 hours.
No one person’s sleep requirements are exactly the same. Some require 8 solid hours of sleep for optimal function. Someone else, however, may lead a productive and healthy life on 5 hours of sleep per night with a short nap or naps during the day.
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Now this is the exact type of feedback I’m looking to generate from this topic, outstanding information.
And I’m glad that you emphasized on the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all, I cannot begin to stress the importance of that and how true that statement is that you made.
Some people can live a very healthy and fully functional life between four and six hours of sleep, at the same time others are lethargic, lack of energy along with disruptive cognitive thought processes if they don’t achieve 7-8 hrs…

I’m very interested in the protocol you mentioned.

When I run the combination of HGH with CJC-1295 with DAC, I have the ability to sleep almost anywhere at any time throughout the day. Although I’m not tired, I just have the ability to fall asleep if I chose to…I would capitalize on that by taking a small power nap during the daytime…
I’ve always thought that variations would be great for people that couldn’t sleep long periods due to sleep apnea. I know people that need a CPAP machine but if there was other ways to train their body.

Hgh definitely helps. Melatonin worked for me too. But honestly I feel best an function best on sleep cycles.
Very interesting… Sleep cycling is underrated and seems to some how slip under the host of information that is often provided to people in regards to sleep techniques and other suggestions…

To add, I think some people also underestimate the effects of stimulants such as caffeine and how it can actually have LONG lasting effects disrupting sleep even many many hrs after its active life is said to have cleared…
Most people here know that I’m a big supporter of anything that helps attain a good nights sleep. We know actual hours slept or " not awake" has no bearing on actual health. Treating a sleep disorder usually is not akin to treating anxiety/ insomnia, although if one is left out then the negative effects keep increasing. Z drugs, OTC, benzodiazepines and other meds are important. CPAP, BiPAP, and CBT are just as important. Sleep Apnea is a huge problem.
I can honestly say the same for myself if I get about a decent 6 hours I’m good to go… but I post for a full-blown 8, like this morning for example I woke up on the money and looked at my machine and it said 8 hours… I felt pretty good, but the other day I had six and a half hours and I felt amazing… I’m beginning to think that I have a complex with the numbers, maybe I’m fighting to get the eight thinking or believing I’m going to be better… because I know if I get more than eight up to maybe 10 hours I feel like trash… but I’ll sleep to 10 hours when I have those restless nights… during those restless nights it’s hard for me to do but I’ve done it, and that is to just get up on time regardless if I’m tired or not and press forward… most of the time it works out good because my cortisol levels of course pump out and I’m primed out for the day…

I think I’m more of a number chasing guy and I need to stop doing that… because of my sleep disorder it gives me a phobia that if I don’t get a certain amount of hours then I’m in trouble…

I swear this whole lifestyle is about chasing numbers no matter what aspect…
I work night shift (12 hr shifts, 3 days one week and 4 days next). It seems like I can never sleep more than 4 hours during the day. On my days off I take naps when I would be working and that works for my days off but then I go back to work and dont get those naps. I find it extremely difficult to get consistent and adequate recovery. It feels like I use gear to compensate for this haha. Im getting my diet dialed in pretty well but Ive also had GI issues my whole life which makes it difficult to eat as much as I need. All very frustrating…
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i always felt like the cpap was forcing too much air in me but probably should have gotten a different mask. sleep apnea has stopped waking me up since i lost 20lbs but there is most likely still an issue. sleep can always be improved.

i recommend cbd for recovery before bed, if i had the xanax option i would use it when needed. the issue for me on gh is waking up groggy. i used to be really into supplements and got away from them. grabbed a few things recently and happened to get animal PM. after first use i felt like i could have slept deeper because i remembered my dreams but i have to check on the correlation.
I found I have to change whole schedule to really be ok. I did nights for 13 years and did the same 2 or 3 in a row one week and 3 or 4 the next. Same days. I tried everything. When I slept days even on my nights off, it finally worked. From 9 to 4 I was unavailable for anything but emergencies and family matters. The last year I’ve been back to 8 to 5 p.m. m-f and it’s horrible! In the beginning I could sleep at 8 p.m. to 8am…forced intermittent fasting! I’m lucky enough that I can actually close my eyes or take a nap at lunch! I actually want to go back to nights. In my field the differential is high for nights, so the pay is better. I also had the bedroom blacked out, that is a huge difference.
You can change The air moving in and your machine should have setting on how long to get to the desired amont. Its important to have the right mask and fit, The biggest thing is if your a mouth breather, I can’t do nasal masks or “pillows” or ne wtypes, I have to have the Darth Vader full “Helmet” The chicks loved it! Many have ran when the mask cams out, or that was the excuse they gave:mask:😷