Cutting up with COVID-19

Im worried about your cholesterol and your kidneys and liver.
Its only 30 days I look forward to hearing about this experience.
Why no testosterone? Not even trt?
Arnold did run primo nandrolone and dbol I always thought it was crazy that he always looked so dry while running nandrolone and dbol you would think that he would have been swole but he was always really lean in all his pictures.
I didn’t use testosterone for years. Sex drive and erections were never a problem. I did tren only for two years, winstrol, tbol, deca. My liver values were in range on 4 months of 100mg winstrol/day, 50mg tbol/day, 600mg deca/week. I even added dbol at the end. The only time I had high AST/ALT was on testosterone only in high doses. I’m not at home now and won’t go back for several months so I’m just putting off ordering more syringes. I want to see how dry I can look. Testosterone won’t get me super dry looking. I love to try various protocols for fun. 😀
I love hearing about them brother lol
If this has worked well in the past im curious because I would like to be able to run primo and tbol without testosterone.
It would be very interesting without using any compounds that aromatase. Just getting stronger and bigger without extra estrogen would be great for me im interested in how lean you get you already look good and I imagine you will look great after a month of those orals.
Yes but I didn’t figure that the molecule would actually provide 1-methyltestosterone from

Im sure I didn’t spell either correctly but I didn’t realize that it would actually work like that especially since it isn’t that toxic.
I know tbol increased my sex drive when I was bulking on it. Right now my low calorie, no fat diet has my sex driver lower than normal, even on 262mg sustanon, so I doubt it will do much. Diet makes such a big difference!
I love my new bands. I’m able to go up in weight on every set having 5 bands. Today I upped the cialis to 30mg because I love a good arm pump! WOW!!! What a difference! I swear the higher the dose of cialis, the better the pump! I did non stop biceps, triceps, and delts for a solid hour. It felt amazing! Post workout I had a protein shake, and ever since yesterday they’ve been hurting my stomach. Not sure what’s going on but I guess I need to have more solid food and less shakes.
So I just placed my Flash Labs order. I chickened out on an oral only cycle. I ordered
1 sustanon
1 winstrol
1 turinabol
1 cialis
I’m going to do:
125mg sustanon with 50mg NPP every 3 days, 50mg winstrol daily, and 25mg tbol daily. Preworkout I’ll take one cialis capsule. I was getting crazy thinking of doing such high oral oral doses at age 51. 😀
I’m away from home in a hotel so my breakfast was fat free low sodium deli turkey on 1 1/2 slices sour dough bread with horseradish mustard on it. I brought my workout bags so I’m going to train some chest after I get a quick shower. I slept like a baby in this nice bed. This afternoon will be my weekly big meal but it’s all clean food so I’m looking forward to it. Steak, dry potato, sour dough bread, artichoke hearts, and corn on the cob. 😀
I just had a real good chest workout:
  • 8 sets declined pushups with feet elevated 18”
  • 6 sets regular pushups
  • 6 sets band flies from the bottom going upward
  • 5 sets one arm band flies from the top going across the body
  • 5 sets pull downs for a lat stretch
Just ate a post workout banana. Man, bananas are sweet. I don’t usual eat high sugar fruit but it was great! I’ll have a whey/oat shake in a few. 👍