Cutting up with COVID-19

Shorter. I’m a legit 6’2”. Like nfl Combine at the time I just assume body builders were taller cause internet wasn’t as fast hahah. He’s listed at 5’11” I would say that’s generous but maybe by and inch. Will note most tell me I’m 6’4” and I laugh when it’s mentioned
Today I went crazy on the home back workout. I must have done around 50 sets of every back, lat, rear delt, and trap exercise I could come up with using bands. Now I’m wiped out lying on my bed on top of an electric blanket with the heat cranked up to maximum to warm my old bones.
I remember when I was 20. I trained twice a day, 6 days a week, 2 hours each session, and still had energy. Now an hour plus workout has me needing a nap. 😀
Just did my morning cardio. I did my short walk, 21 minute fast pace, 1/2 uphill which is a workout, 1/2 downhill. That’s the first time I’ve done cardio in awhile.
Took my winstrol, tbol, masteron, tren, and sustanon preworkout. It looks like I still have another shot or two of tren and masteron before I start the NPP.

The gym opens up tomorrow. I had to make an online reservation. We only get one hour to train. They only allow one person per 100 sq.ft of gym space, and nobody is allowed within 6 feet of each other. Gym employees will be patrolling the floor keeping people apart from each other. I need 1 1/2 hours to train so I’ll be going fast. I’m actually kind of torn about going at all. I hate being controlled. It tends to make me lose my temper. Being on tren I already feel the rage inside about this. I’m so tired of this scamdemic bullshit!
I just did my first workout back in the gym. First of all I have to say it was soooo nice to see hot women in yoga pants again!!!
I did biceps, triceps, front/middle delts, abs, a little calves, and 20 minutes on the recombinant bike.
First set of tricep rope push downs I put my usual warmup weight on and WTF!!! I couldn’t even budge it. WOW! Real weights are completely different than working out with bands. I lowered all my weights a lot but I stuck to the fast paced workouts, all supersets and giant sets, I’ve grown accustomed to over the past 3 months.
  • 1st Superset: standing cambered bar curls superset with rope pushdowns for tris. 3 sets each.
  • 2nd Superset: Seated alternating dumbbell hammer curls with lying one arm dumbbell tricep extensions. 3 sets each
  • 3rd Superset with a Giant set on tris, zero rest. One arm cable curls with one arm tricep extensions reverse grip followed by overhand grip followed by hammer grip. 3 sets each
  • all Giant sets non stop. Dumbbell laterals, followed by close grip dumbbell presses, followed by front hammer grip dumbbell raises, followed by dumbbell raises in between front and lateral position. 4 sets each with an extra set of laterals at the end.
  • 3 sets weighted crunches to the front, slight left, and slight right position for abs/obliques.
  • 3 sets seated calve raises, toes forward, outward, and inward. (OUCH!!!)
  • 20 minutes on the recombinant bike
I did all the weights in 45 minutes followed by 20 minutes cardio. It sure felt great!!!
Now I’m horny from all the hot women in there.