Cutting up with COVID-19

DAY #58
I got a good chest pump!
  • 8 sets feet elevated pushups
  • 5 sets regular pushups
  • 4 sets band flies from feet upward over head
  • 2 sets one arm band flies slightly downward
  • 2 sets one arm band flies slightly upward
My Flash Labs pack just arrived!
It only took 3 days.
Believe it or not, even though I’m a rep for Flash, I dont have a product list, so I didn’t know what the dose of each winstrol capsule was. Both the tbol and winstrol are 25mg, so I’ll do one of each daily which is a nice safe dose.
I’ve got one more shot of tren enan and masteron enan. I’ll start my new stack on Monday:
1/2cc SUSTANON every 3 days
1/2cc NPP every 3 days
25mg TBOL daily
25mg WINSTROL daily
Watched it when I was starting to hit the gym again about 1-1/2 years ago. Was always rooting for cutler when I was in hs but met Ronnie when flying out of Dallas to Cincinnati following my mother’s funeral. Was the only person to recognize him so he was very cordial when I approached. Dude took up the whole isle with his lats though.