Cutting up with COVID-19

Only the prop ester gives me some PIP there. Since I’m putting sustanon, deca, tren enan, and masteron enan in the same shot it gives no PIP. There aren’t many nerves in that region. The biggest freak I knew when I started using AAS told me that. Too much of a prop ester I definitely feel though.
Today I did 9 sets of wide grip pushups because narrow kill my elbows. Then I did 4 sets of band flies from down lots to upward and inward. The diet has been very easy so far since I’m home and can cook and sleep in.
6am: 2 scoops whey protein, 1 cup oats, 1 cup non fat milk
9am: tbol and 20mg cialis
10am: 7 egg whites and 2 slices of dry sour dough toast
11am: nap haha
1:45pm: Workout and sip Gatorade
2:30pm: 2 scoops whey protein, 1 cup oats
4pm: 8oz extra lean ground turkey breast, 1 cup white rice (2 cups cooked)
7pm: I’ll have 6oz eye of round steak and 2 slices of dry toast (Dave’s 21 seed and grain)
10pm: 2 scoops whey protein, 1 cup oats
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When I’m back to cutting the only reason I will do no carbs late is it makes that morning waffle so much better. Will enjoy my peanut butter and pretzels for the next 3 weeks till then.
Yesterday I ate flawlessly but no workout. Today I had a protein shake at 7am and 25mg tbol then went back to bed. Got up and took cialis. Trained fasted from 11am-noon and got a killer pump. My strength is going up from the tren and tbol. A little over a week ago I could only get 10-12 pushups per set. Today I got 22. It made me proud. I know it’s not much but for me it’s a big improvement.
I did
  • 9 sets wide grip pushups
  • 4 sets band flies from the bottom upward
  • 4 sets band face pulls
  • 4 sets one arm band rows off a tree. I do left arm then right arm, back and forth until I can’t get any. That counts as one set.
    Time for 7 egg whites and 2 slices dry sour dough toast. I have steak thawing out for later with rice. Post workout I had whey protein and oats.
    Post workout I took
  • 87.5mg sustanon
  • 45mg deca
  • 50mg masteron enan
  • 50mg tren enan
    I skipped two days from taking a shot.
These are the handles and bands I bought from dicks sporting goods.


The last couple days I cut calories way back. It caused me to drop reps today on my pushups but the pump was great as always thanks to the morning tbol and preworkout cialis.

I’ve only had two protein shakes today and it’s 1:20pm. I’m making a pound of steak and two cups of rice which will be two of my meals today.
i did pushups, band flies, face pulls, and one arm band rows. Then I walked a half mile. I need to start walking daily. My legs feel very weak from sitting inside all the time now. I’m so sick of this stupid lock down nonsense. Enough is enough!
We have 2 of the same sets and I’ve been using them a lot mixed in with some jogging and P90X workouts. I know it’s not the same as true weights, but if it’s done slow, methodical and held during each rep, it does give me a decent pump and soreness.
And its that kinda attitude from people that’s gonna prolong shit. Just play along, follow the rules and we’ll be thru this faster. Be part of the solution.
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Yes that’s what my wife said, however me goin out involves hiking with my family, fishing with myself, my family, my buddy, hunting, I avoid people anyways, so it’s no different for me. I am not exposing or being exposed.
I am still goin to work, in people’s houses, but I’m still essential and unless the people don’t want me there I need the money, so I guess I am exposing/exposed. I don’t even mind if you call me ignorant, my wife does.