Cutting up with COVID-19

No I can’t call ya that. I’m still working as well. Going into people’s houses and such. I am however practicing lockdown on the weekends. Trying to play along the best I can
Today I decided to change up my AAS stack. I dropped deca and tbol and increased dose on tren enan and masteron enan to see if some water retention drops to lower my blood pressure. Skipping tbol today brought my bp down a lot so I’m going to do this for awhile:
204mg sustanon
163mg tren enan
163mg masteron enan
Every 3 days I put .35ml of each into a slin pin. That’s the max that will fit.
My diet is ultra strict the same as precontest.
Today I did my pushups, band flies, face pulls, and one arm band rows. My energy is way down today. 15 days on a precontest style diet is zapping my energy. It’s 7pm. I’ve had two protein shakes and two meals. One meal was 1/3lb turkey breast and a cup of rice (uncooked weight). The other meal was 1/2Lb eye of round steak and 2 slices dry toast (Dave’s 21 seed and grain). I wish the gym would open. 😦
Today I did a bunch of biceps, triceps, and delts with bands. I walked a half mile afterwards. I really am seeing changes fast with the sust, tren, mast combo. I’m going to up my dose. Today I feel very good! I’m sweating balls just sitting here.
Just finished my pushups, face pulls, cable flies, one arm cable rows, and I added cable pulls downs with an arc motion off a tree haha then I walked a mile. My damn nerve damage in my legs and knees had me yelping in pain just walking. Fuck getting old!
Time for more sust, tren, and mast.
Diet has been flawless since April 1st. Blood pressure is finally coming down. It was 135/84 yesterday. I’m on 3 bp drugs. They only work with a perfect diet. A couple months ago my bp was 193/134. Body fat is dropping nicely. I’m still hairy AF!
I’ve been on a perfect diet since April 1st. My body fat is dropping nicely and my blood pressure is down from 160/110 to 135/84 in 3 weeks. I just finished my workout but didn’t do my walk yet. I must admit I’m dragging ass on low calories. My pushups strength has dropped from 22 reps to 16 reps. But my visceral abdominal fat is really going down which is awesome! My gut was getting ridiculous from Jack in the Box. 🐷
Today’s Workout:
  • 10 sets pushups
  • 4 sets band flies
  • 5 giant sets of one arm rows right arm, left arm, right arm again, left arm again, face pulls, and pull downs out in front of the body. All that is one giant set.
6am: two scoops whey protein, 1 cup oats, some raw pasteurized egg whites and water added
10am: 7 egg whites nuked, 2 slices dry 21 seed and grain toast
PREWORKOUT: 30mg tadalifil(cialis)
INTRAWORKOUT: sip half a Gatorade
POST WORKOUT: 2 scoops whey protein, 1 cup oats, water

Time to cook three 1/3Lb fat free turkey burgers and rice for later meals.

AAS: Mon, Wed, Fri shots of 1/3cc sustanon, 1/3cc masteron enan, 1/3cc tren enan.