Cutting up with COVID-19

I’ve had steak all week. Hopefully growing while holding body fat level. Grow for winter then cut hard come spring again.
Today is my off day from the gym. I really don’t like off days because I struggle with depression and the gym keeps me level headed. But my body aches all over and I notice my energy is just gone after 3 days in a row of lifting. I haven’t been doing cardio because I’m trying to grow/lean growth.
How do you manage to stay so lean on Deca? I’ve never used it, but I’ve always heard it’s bloat city? Or do people say that and then just eat like shit anyway?
Well trust me it took me a long time to figure out that no matter how much I eat I ain’t gonna get fat, or blow up overnite, eatin so much I felt shitty all the time, i gotta work with my body, so I still eat a lot, but I enjoy it, also use to think I was gettin bunk dbol or adrol when it was me, everybody is small in my family.
It’s all in the diet. I’ve competed in bodybuilding while on deca, sustanon, Anadrol, HGH, all the bulkers. If you eat clean you won’t bloat much at all once your body gets used to the drug.
That’s what I figured the answer was! I’ve just always steered clear of Deca for fear of the bloat, but a low dose long run sounds nice on the ole joints without having to pin EOD.