Cutting up with COVID-19

Why was able to get back to putting up big numbers now. Funny though I remember playing against kids that killed me in power body lifts but not many many with higher bench back then
Will that help grip strength @Bigmurph. I can easily do reps of 350 dead’s good form and tight shoulders. But more then that my grip isn’t strong enough. You have an amazing grip strength @Dirtnasty whats your secret or is it just natural for you?
Well I don’t have he was t grip strength cuase I use straps. I don’t want grip yo be determining factor of working muscles. I am implementing more lifts without them though like I did the pause dead’s with 495 or whatever without straps. Just used mix grip instead. Hard to get the tight feeling so far that way
Condom what???
i really like doing arms twice a week with less volume.


- 3 sets one arm preacher curl machine

- 3 sets standing EZ Bar curls

- 3 sets EZ Bar cable curls

- 2 sets of static holds for 60 seconds with 120Lbs on the pull downs machine


- 3 sets rope push down

- 3 sets one arm cable pushdowns with hammer grip

- 3 sets one arm cable reverse curls
  • 4 sets hack squat machine
  • 4 sets lying leg curls
  • 4 sets leg extensions
  • 4 sets weighted hip thrust machine
  • 4 sets seated calf raises toes forward, outward, and inward.
I’m walking funny now which is a good sign.
I just had 1/2 pound eye of round steak, baked potato, and broccoli.
Today I trained chest and triceps. My chest is stronger and more full since cutting the volume back. Strength was up on every exercise. For triceps, today is my low volume day, and Friday is higher volume for triceps. I’ve been eating a lot of steak, potatoes, sour dough bread, and broccoli lately for my dinner. Since upping my carbs, I feel I’m growing faster. Body fat is staying relatively the same.

  • 4 sets wide grip chest press
  • 4 sets dip machine
  • 4 sets pec deck with elbows up
  • 3 sets inclined chest press
  • 3 sets machine flies
  • 3 sets rope push downs
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
I had a whey/oat shake immediately post workout. Dinner was 3/4Lb eye of round steak, 3/4Lb baked potato, steamed broccoli, and a piece of fresh sourdough bread.
Today was back and biceps(low volume day).

  • 4 sets t-bar rows
  • 3 sets hammer strength rows
  • 3 sets cable rows
  • 3 sets one arm cable rows
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
I’m really growing now since having a bigger dinner with steak, baked potato, bread, and broccoli. Everything else is the same.
I’m some taking 500mg testosterone (333mg sustanon/167mg test cyp) and 300mg deca every 5 days.
I just had a nice post workout meal. I’ve made this my big meal this week. My only other food meal is my egg whites and toast for breakfast. The rest of the day and evening I have whey/oat shakes. This meal was close to a pound of eye of round steak, a good sized piece (4 inches) of a sour dough bread flute, steamed broccoli, and about 3 cups of Basmati rice.
Today’s workout was delts and traps.
  • 6 sets lateral dumbbell raises
  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 3 sets front dumbbell raises
  • 3 sets dumbbell shrugs