Cutting up with COVID-19

I’m actually never hungry. I just eat every two hours because I need to. I just had 1/2 pound extra lean ground Turkey breast, a nuked potato, and peas with salsa. I’ll have another protein/oat shake and a banana at 6pm. That’s what I had immediately post workout too. I think that will be my diet: the egg whites, rice, veggies meal, the turkey breast, potato, veggies, and the two protein shakes with a banana for my 4 meals from noon thru 6pm, and only water from 6pm thru noon the next day. I’ll have 3 fish oil capsules throughout the day also.
Sounds like a perfect bicep workout to me. Those are all great exercises. The standing cable curls on a machine burn like hell.

It’s nice to feel good for a change. I hope today wasn’t a fluke.

My blood pressure was 130/90 which is amazing for me. It was a lot higher all the years I used blood pressure meds.

My temperature was 98.7

Body weight was 211.5 pounds.

I hope my hemoglobin isn’t out of control. This doctor is my dad’s friend and he agreed to do blood dumps for me if it’s too high which will be great!
I worry most about my kidneys. That fact I feel poisoned all the time tells me my kidneys can’t filter the toxins out of my blood effectively.
The doctor said my heart sounded good, no murmurs, which is great because the last doctor 12,years ago said I had a heart murmur.
I added some stuff alongside my bp meds, potassium,magnesium, some other stuff I put in my drink with a dropper forget the name will check tomorrow,its working though and I truly wonder why my doc wouldn’t have recommended it along the othe meds…
Today my preworkout was 50mg tbol, 20mg Cialis, 25mg tren base, and 25mg nandrolone base. I’m about to start my chest workout. I train at home now since I got my delt injury so I’m about to do about 20 sets of push ups with all these variations: narrow hands, wide hands, feet elevated on a chair with hands down low , up high and wide, legs bent in the chair so my body is parallel to the ground. These all simulate inclined, declined, flat, inner and outer chest work. Then I’ll do chest band flies single arm from down low, up high, and mid range.
No joke, I feel my chest gets better results from this workout than at the gym.
Today I’m doing back/lats at home with bands. I do so many variations: pull downs one arm, standing rows one arm with bands from the bottom of my bathroom door, rows from the middle of the door, rows with both arms, standing pull overs. I keep trying different angles and my strength keeps increasing. I train for 90 minutes with very little rest in between sets so it’s kind of a cardio workout too.
Today I took tbol 2.5 hours preworkout and Cialis 1 hour preworkout, and my every 5th day shot of sustanon, deca, NPP, test prop, and test enanthate.
I’ll start training in a half hour. I think my back is getting wider. Honestly, it’s my belief, it doesn’t matter what type of workout you do as long as you train hard and push your body. It’s the food and the drugs that make you grow.
I’ve been doing my 18/6 intermittent fasting still but my last meal is huge with plenty of nutrition and junk too. I’m in a bulking phase which I know is best to help heal my shoulder injury. The extra water retention and little bit of fat gained helps immensely for my old injuries, joints, and strength. I also have one margarita with dinner lately which has helped with the inflammation and pain in my delt. It’s relaxes me which I need. Haha 😛
Its true when Dr Zeigler invented dbol he told the Olympic lifters that all they needed to do was resistance training and they would still be stronger than the Russians.
I believe Dr Zeigler is actually the person who started resistance training not positive but in the 50s I don’t believe that many were only doing resistance training.
Keep killing it brother