Cutting up with COVID-19

From nandro,no don’t use it enough, from deca, I believe I do, my elbow acts up, I have two different braces I use,and it seems like when I use deca it acts up less often, and I think the glucosamine helps to I take daily
I did chest, and traps a little bit ago, used 50 anadrol and 20mg halo, I waited two hours it was great I blew thru my workout
The pump was real good today! My chest was fully pumped after only 6 sets so I stopped there. I did 12 sets on back,
  • 3 sets inclined press
  • 3 sets machine flies with elbows locked in tight. It felt incredible!!!
  • 4 sets bent barbell rows
  • 4 sets narrow grip pull downs
  • 4 sets cable rows
I popped another Anadrol, two turinabols, and two Cialis two hours preworkout. Same result as yesterday, ridiculous muscle fullness and vascularity!!! Tomorrow I won’t take any. I don’t want to press my luck at my age.
  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls on the inclined bench
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 2 drop sets of standing EZ bar cable curls with 4 drops per set
  • 2 sets of static holds in the flexed biceps position on the lat pull down machine
  • 4 sets of one arm reverse grip push downs
  • 3 sets of dumbbell kick backs
  • 3 sets of rope push downs
  • 5 sets of calf press machine
Today I was raging mad, pissed off after losing a big college basketball bet so I went to the gym and forgot to take my preworkout pump drugs. When I got to the gym I sat in the parking lot angry as hell and not wanting to workout but I knew I needed to get my head screwed on right so I went in and hit delts, traps, and finished with some legs for the first time in a month due to me being a lazy bitch-ass mother fugger. It was one of those things where while pressing I felt weird pains in my inner thighs just knowing I’ll most definitely cramp tonight with my legs laughing their ass off at me. I swear it felt so good hitting legs again. I’m remotivated me to build these sticks again.

  • 4 sets of hammer strength shrugs but on every set I did rest pause to turn 10 reps into around 20.
  • 4 sets of lateral raise machine with 100Lbs for 15+ reps
  • 4 sets of seated bent dumbbell lateral raises with 35’s
  • 3 sets of a dumbbell raise movement with 20’s where I did side laterals, front laterals palms down, and front laterals hammer grip, alternating each movement until I couldn’t raise the dumbbells
LEGS(Yes, I’m a bitch):
  • 3 sets of squat press machine
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