Cutting up with COVID-19

Tonight I get my one cheat meal for the week and I’m going to over do it in a major way. I’m going to a real good Italian restaurant. Eggplant parmigiana, rigatoni marinara, fresh baked bread, deep fried mozzarella, deep fried zucchini with ranch sauce, an Italian salad, ice cream pie with fudge, and several cherry cokes. Haha I’m like a little kid drinking my Roy Rodgers.
Today I just took Cialis preworkout. I alternated chest and back exercises:
  • 3 sets chest press
  • 3 sets pec deck
  • 3 sets assisted dips
  • 3 sets hammer strength rows
  • 3 sets tbar rows
  • 3 sets cable rows
    It was a good workout.
    I had a banana, and an oat/whey shake immediately post workout. After getting home I had 6 white cheddar rice cakes and 1/2Lb 99/1 turkey breast covered in salsa. 👍
I took an Anadrol, two tbol, and two Cialis 90 minutes before training arms today. If you want a crazy pump then this is your recipe. 💪
Shite! I just realized I forgot to train calves today.

  • 3 sets of seated alternating curl machine
  • 3 sets inclined seated alternating dumbbell curls
  • 3 sets alternating dumbbell hammer curls
  • 2 sets of 1 minute static holds on the pull down machine
  • 4 sets one arm hammer grip cable pushdowns with a four part drop per set to get 25+ reps per set
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 3 sets rope push downs
  • 2 sets of rope ab crunches
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I do a lot of hammer grip curls and hammer grip push downs for the top of the forearms. Doing heavy back and lat lifts without using wrist wraps really helps build forearms. For massive forearms do a variety of wrist curls: barbell curls, dumbbell curls, behind the back wrist curls with a barbell, hang your wrist off the side of the bench curls to full flexion and full stretch.
I took my Anadrol, turinabol, Cialis, sustanon, test enan, test prop, deca, and NPP, a couple hours preworkout, then hit arms, and a little abs and legs.

  • 3 sets standing EZ bar curls
  • 3 sets seated one arm curl machine
  • 3 sets one arm cable curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell curls where I torque the wrists to create a fluid arc motion
  • a 4 part drop set on the pull down machine for static holds stacking the machine then dropping two plates each time
  • 3 sets rope push downs
  • 3 sets one arm reverse grip push downs
  • 3 sets overhand cable pushdowns
  • 3 sets one arm pushdowns
  • 3 sets standing rope crunches
  • 4 sets squat press machine
I just had my banana and protein/oat shake in my car immediately post workout.
Took 2 tbol, 2 Cialis, and 1 Anadrol preworkout and did a nice upper body workout.

  • 3 sets pec deck
  • 3 sets chest press machine
  • 3 sets assisted dip machine
  • 3 sets close grip pull downs
  • 3 sets cable rows
  • 3 sets lateral raise machine
  • 3 sets seated bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets hammer strength shrugs
  • 4 sets calf press machine
Today I had to get blood work done so I fasted 17 hours then took 1 Anadrol, 2 tbol, and 2 Cialis. Waited an hour then had my first meal(18 hour fast) 10 egg whites, 2 cups of rice, peas and carrots with salsa. An hour later I went to the gym. The pump on arms was crazy good! I never look this big.
I think I’ll give intermittent fasting a try. I felt a lot more energy and sense of well being this morning in a fasted state. I normally feel sick and tired all of the time which is why I got blood work done.
I supersetted most everything for biceps and triceps.

  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls on an inclined bench with a 45 degree angle
  • 3 sets one arm cable curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 4 sets rope pushdowns
  • 3 giant sets of one arm reverse grip push downs, over hand pushdowns, and neutral grip push downs. Supersetted with the one arm cable curls
  • 3 sets dumbbell kick backs supersetted with the dumbbell hammer curls
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Its nice feeling good for a change… I did Bi’s today also, standing curls on the machine, preachers, and then bar bell curls