Cycle dosages and advice?

Hey guys. I’m new to steroids, testosterone, and et cetera and trying to learn so based on what I have bought, what would you guys recommend? Also suggestions as to what I should buy in addition to what I have?


I ended up doing 300mg test C and 300mg test E per week for the first 2 weeks and, after learning more, decided to continue 300mg x2 per week of Test C. I actually made a follow up post “2 week report…” about what results I had. Ended up working out well.

BUT if you wanna see some funny conflict between UG members just scroll down haha…
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I’m sorry but you already messed up, which tells me you probably aren’t ready to cycle. You bought products without planning how you will use them? Do some digging around, research these products you purchased… research cycle planning…
“Failure to plan is planning to fail.”

Also I’m never one to bash anyone and that’s not my intention, but you are 5’11 and 125lbs… maybe reconsider running anything at all. Learn your body, learn about proper nutrition and training then return.
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5’11" and 125 because of a metabolic problem that runs in my family and an early introduction to Ritalin that caused a stunt in my diet when I was little.

I researched the drugs and looked for the ones with the most minimal side effects but still fast results, then bought the drugs used for post-cycle. I’m also open to still buying more drugs if necessary for a given cycle plan. My intention was safety as far as the brand and type of drug, and determined that I could take the drug in whatever dose necessary to still remain safe.
Understood, with that being said you should understand that gear isn’t necessarily going to help that disorder. Also they are hundreds of inherited metabolic disorders, could you be a bit more specific? Thanks man
Diet and training is mandatory before anything else. But if you really wanna start PEDs you need testosterone as a base before all other AAS.
As I said in the original post, I am eating 3000+ calories a day and training daily with a trainer, specifically targeting areas that I need. I’ve been doing a little less than this for a while and gained 10 lbs but almost muscle mass (ratio, not total). I have a proper diet and training, just looking for advice for dosage.

I’d rather not get specific about my metabolic disorder just for the sake of privacy, but it is hyper-arrhythmia-related and it just makes it harder for me to gain or maintain weight and is linked to a condition that causes a depression in testosterone levels. I am gaining weight somewhat rapidly, am knowledgable about my diet and am using a lot of superfoods and supplements in addition to my daily diet, and I am athletic and in-shape, and my 12% body fat is optimal for muscle gain.
@Raphael3636 Thanks. Helpful advice. What would you recommend specifically for a base testosterone? And is there guides or knowledge on what amount should be taken for a given person?

EDIT: Would Test P be a good option for a testosterone base?
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So skipping over what ultimately comes to my mind, because I’m a nice guy with a better filter these days. I would put all of that in a drawer. Go get bloods drawn for a baseline of testosterone, free test and estradiol. Then buy yourself some Testosterone Cypionate and Aromasin. That’s your cycle. Come back with the results from your blood test in about a week or so and we can help with dosing of your Test and Aromasin.
Honestly since your metabolic disorder is linked to testosterone suppression, it should be quite easy to get a prescription for test. So like Berserker said, get some blood work ran. Maybe even see an endocrinologist before taking the plunge.
Need a test base. I like TestE just because it gives me zero PIP. WINSTROL IS no way easy on your body. While I am a HUGE Winstrol fan, it carries a lot of luggage with it. If your planning your very first cycle. Plan it well. This will probably be the best gains ever. Weight training. I mean core training. Bench. Deadlifts. Squats. Diet. Wanna get big? Eat big. I mean good foods. Probably 5000 minimum a day. Test loves protein. Protein builds muscle. All the other stuff is covered by others in the thread.
Ok. So as a base I ordered Test Cyp since it clears through the body the quickest but I also received D-bol in the mail and, according to a stacking guide I read, I could use either as a base because D-bol helps produce test. Am I wrong to assume that D-bol can be used as a base like it says in the guide I read or is this accurate?

In addition to that, I plan on taking low dosage amounts of HGH during my cycle because I saw that that would be recommended for a cycle and I happen to have 2 vials of HGH so that would help, right?

Then on the side I have Winstrol, Anavar, Anadrol, as well as Clomid for the post-cycle. But since I need to start with just test/possibly d-bol based on answer for the first question, I won’t touch those yet. Will start those once I get bloodwork and even out to the initial testo.

So if I am getting this correct, I should start D-bol or Test Cyp and get bloodwork, then stack it with either Anavar, Anadrol, or Winstrol for my cycle after a few weeks, then stop and edge off of it with the Clomid?

(Feedback or corrections would be appreciated @freedomfries @TBU @Ironside etc )
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Wait what? You just threw in a whole bunch of unnecessary stuff after they suggest a Test only cycle.

This would be your first cycle(which happens to be the best cycle for most people.) Keep it basic, run blood before you take anything. Dbol and test are two completely different compounds. Test serves as a base for pretty much all cycles- (keep that as a general rule to start.) But with that being said, don’t underestimate test either. Test alone will wield amazing gains even for the most experienced guys. We can’t make you do anything, we can only try to guide you from experience and knowledge we have acquired. Choose wisely and good luck with your cycles.
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Try to follow me here. Testosterone Cypionate is mid range of all esters for half lives. Therefore roughly 4.5 to 6 days usually depending on the individuals metabolism. It will not clear your system quickly. At 500mg a week it would take roughly 24 to 32 days to clear the system before negligible amounts would be in your system.

2nd I don’t know where you’ve gotten your info from but D-Bol does not produce testosterone nor raise testosterone levels.

Also for your first cycle I’m guessing at your younger age, you wouldn’t need HCG and your test will recover just fine through PCT.
I highly recommend researching what steroids are and what they do. This will help you understand how to stack and how they will effect your body and body composition. Research the 600 mg test study, anabolic ratios of different compounds, binding affinity. If you dont know what questions to ask, research questions to ask haha.
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Thanks for the response. So scratch the HGH/C and D-bol does not work as a substitute. I would link you the page but it’s another forums and I don’t want to inadvertently advertise a competitor. Will hold on to the clomid.

I must’ve read something wrong about the Cyp because I thought the half life was 24 hours so I’m completely wrong there. Is it safer to choose a testo with a high or low half-life? What is recommended?
I mean partly true. I got excited and pre-maturely bought what I thought I needed for my cycle, but now I am actually looking for info… I mean I have’t taken anything yet for a reason. Looking to avoid regretting something later- otherwise this post would be pointless.