SB Labs

Daily thread July 25

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That man stays so busy I bet he never sleeps. He is prob busy hacking someone’s bank acct or money laundering for the mob or on a contract hit or payed up with three hookers and a lb of cocaine
I have to do a timing set too sounds like fun never worked on a Audi before so it should be a mess you get rid of them hic!@$ ups
And just like that, dumpster fire before we even started… shut down the first chiller, stripped the insulation… problem… Fab to replace existing pipe is 8”, condenser water supply to chiller is 6”. This folks, is why you always verify pipe size by actually checking pipe, not mechanical fittings right off the chiller. You would think a project manager would be smarter than that!

Oh well, time to smoke some shit! Pork butt, 2 chickens, maybe ribs??
Don’t know if I could handle hiccups for that long. I think I would end up eating a bullet.

Did you try antacids. I got some fierce hiccups once and someone told me Prilosec. So
I tried it and they went away.

Nothing like a second degree burn to end your night off at work, SMH
Makes you look like a welder! That’s why I could never get tatts on my arms, too many burns, makes it look like one of my kids ink’d me! I have some work on my chest that’s all scared up from hot ass metal falling on me
What the hell everyone is falling apart getting sick or Hurting themselves like we are getting old or some shit !! I got more control than me I hate hospitals getting me to stay overnight would be a chore only times I have is when my boy was born and when he took some of his great grandfathers bp meds cause he thought they were M&M’s
Damn. Y’all need to chill. @John I only work weekends. They pay me a good bit more to do so… so fuck yeah working weekends!
There is our resident doc. So what can you take for
Bursitis/ tendinitis and some calcium in my elbows
Is there a manic peptide or medicinal drug I can acquire that would really help certain triceps movements kill me like any overheads heavy skull busters it’s really pissing me off
Anti inflammatory for sure… I would get some tumeric to supplement daily. As well as tb500, and BPC157. The tb500, 2-4mg twice a week (this will cut down inflammation significantly) bpc 157 250-500 MCG daily. Both 4 weeks on 2 weeks off. I’ll swear by that cocktail until I’m dead. I ran that along with my NPP and it was like I’d never even been in a cast before.

And what we all hate to hear… rest.
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Yeah I can rest and ice with anti inflammatory. And they will feel better but no matter how long I rest they will hurt as soon as I dive back into the exercise one I’m smart enough to work around it because pushing through it will just put them at the. Point I can’t even move them without pain but it’s really hindering me getting my long head back to where it was hgh and deca don’t touch what ever this is one is by far worse than The other it’s been like this for 20yrs the other is from compensating i believe I just screen shot that thanks
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