SB Labs

Daily thread July 25

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Muscle burns more calories so yeah. I’m eating chicken at more than I was a few months ago and maintaining where as I was losing about 2 pounds a week before
I am excited this morning about switching my cycle. 2nd half starts today and is as follows.
.5 ml tren A 100 3x week
1 ml test P 100 3x week
Anavar 25. 2x per day
Proviron half pill per day
Anastrozole twice per week

First time running Tren heard it’s a game changer. Read it’s the best gear for total body transformation.

Seems like a small dose compared to what I have read on here but it is my first run of Tren and they are fast acting esters in the Tren and Test.

It feels like Santa came last night I couldn’t wait to wake up and start this shit!!!
Nice!! My wife just pinned it 10 minutes ago. So far no Tren cough.

What’s your does? Are you taking Tren A if it’s your first time? What are you running with it?
Tren is king for a reason it is amazing. It one steroid that I have to take in smaller shorter doses
I just don’t like the sides sweating heartburn and it absolutely kills my appetite like I could fast like ghandi you will see changes quick enjoy it
Mine will be Test E at 500 and Tren at 200 per week. I have both A and E tren. Still deciding which one to use.
I am running Tren A with Test P because they both have faster acting esters. Close to the same half life so I can run them at the same time and inject them at the same time. Well I am gonna follow you as well so I can see your results. I am at 245 around 22% BF. My goal is to get under 15% BF and hopefully stay around the same weight I would also like to increase my squat by 75 pounds bench by 50 pounds deadlift by 75 pounds. All in 8 weeks. Seems like a lot. But am gonna give her hell getting there.
Why bother with anavar while using tren? and curious how much proviron half a pill is,25?
It’s what was recommended by my sponsor. Maybe because it’s a low dose of tren. Just a guess. Yes on the proviron.
I started TRT in March best thing I ever did for my physical and mental health. your height 10% bf at 200 is pretty good. Girls will like that!!
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