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SB Labs

Deca.. is it worth it?

For me personally I began dosing Tren 2x a day in smaller doses. It has worked amazing for me.

I used to only be able to run Tren for like 4 weeks at a time, 6 if I really pushed it and never above 300mg or i was sure to fuck myself.

I’m currently running 350mg a week and I’ve been on it for about 10 weeks now with no sides. I started the run with 200mg Tren Hex and then switched to 350mg Tren Ace when I ran out of Hex.

If you can handle pinning that way I highly suggest it and you’ll be able to run Tren higher and longer with less sides.
So what is your pinning frequency morning and evening? I don’t mind pinning at all. I’d try that if it means you can run it longer and higher. Thanks for the tip bro.
Don’t thank me lol. Thank @PHD for teaching me that. I pin 25mg AM and 25mg PM. At a 24hr half life you can easily do the 12hr schedule and keep peak serum levels. My morning pin is around 5:45AM but I like to do my evening pin closer to 9:00PM which is about an hour or 2 before bed. It seems to cut down on the night sweats for me. I still wake up soaked but it’s closer to when my alarm goes off rather than midnight lol
Sort of lmao. At least I get a few more hours of sleep before my hands get all wrinkly and a puddle of sweat forms over my sternum hahaha
That was doing Injectable 50mg every day. But after discussion with @PHD I was doing .3ml every day which was 33.5mg every day. For a max absorption of 67mg peak per day. Total intake of TrenA of 215mg a week
I’m always on deca. I use a low dose for synovial fluid production in the joints, 150mg weekly. I break it up into EOD shots with my sustanon.
I am concerned that studies say nandrolone is 11 times worse than test on cardiac muscle, but I’ve been on it most of the 24 years I’ve used AAS.
Might be to the low amount you’re using. If it’s working for 24 years I wouldn’t worry about it honestly. Sounds like you check yourself
Health wise also.
I personally believe mood changes are just an excuse to be an asshole. I’ve only used one compound that makes me super edgy and that’s halo. I’ve never been moody on any other anabolic before. But I’m pretty chill for the most part. If you’re an ass hole off steroids you are most likely a super ass hole on them. Just from what I’ve observed over my years of being around people with different personalities. This is just my opinion
Possibly true… I don’t become an asshole, but it sort of depresses me. I’m gonna give this split dose a shot, it makes sense being that there’s not so much of a spike at each injection that it would be a smoother run
I hope that you throw up an introduction and let us know a bit about yourself.
Welcome to ugmuscle

Is this just your opinion or do you have science to back up this?
I only ask because I don’t believe that this is correct but I like being wrong when I can see real science about this topic?