Digestion problems/bubbles lol

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@Bigmurph the instant pain, is it a burning searing pain? Does it feel like it’s wrapping around to your back? Is it worse if you have a fatty meal?
No ive actually tested no matter what I eat its the same issue the same pain the pain is always there its a direct pain in the center right below my chest bone structure right in the middle were you would get heart burn but its actually painful just a solid level 3 pain that increases after I eat too a 10 at some points screaming wishing I could take painkillers.
I have had to use marijuana to numb the pain so that I can eat

@Joe did you see my answer?
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@EF9kid yeah, mental health medications specifically AED’s and IEAED’s do terrible things to the digestive tract. And the symptoms tend to hang around after sensation of therapy. Due to tolerance issues, many of the newer meds come with entric coatings. I know these coatings significantly improved GI tolerance with medications like Valproate sodium. Still, many suffer while using them.

If you are still on the med, have you noticed unintended weight gain?
It could be that for sure. The stomach, which is what it sounds like your issue is more than the intestines, has a powerful ability to heal itself, unless it’s compromised too much, then intervention is necessary.

I was considering f EPI, but further reading into the metabolism of the Valproic acid shows that one problem people have when taking this drug, especially the over 40 crowd, is stomach and duodenal ulcers. That’s exactly what you are describing with the pain. Everything from onset and intensity to duration, including stool description and weight loss. The rate of ulceration is higher if you took aspirin or NSAIDS while also taking the med. They decrease absorption time reducing clearance rate in the proximal small intestine and distal colon. That med also reduces the rate of beta oxidation in the cells which means they can’t use fat for energy as efficiently (don’t take that as condescension at all please. As I said, this is a linear format so it’s difficult to asses metabolic knowledge without making 15 different posts).

These are worse in the over 40 crowd due to reduced mucus production by goblet cells in the stomach. There is a whole cascade of things that happen to the mucus composition as well that I won’t go into here.

I’d have the GI check you out for ulcer. Until then there are some nutrition strategies we can employ to stop you from wasting away and maybe help with the pain. If you want.
This is something that is on the list of possible issues so you definitely got it right but I don’t get the acid and I only took the medication for a short period of time but I still believe that it could definitely be an ulcer I should have also told you that I was stabbed and lost 6 inches of my intestines. I have been worried that it could have something to do with that even though it was years ago.
I need to get scoped that would solve alot I understand this is just questions no exam and I really appreciate you taking the time to help brother
I don’t think the loss of the intestines is the issue brother. Everything you described screams ulcer.

A back yard remedy for this is antibiotic therapy. Amoxicillin is typically given to kill the h-pylori bacteria. And prostaglandin mimetic drugs are sometimes given to shore up the mucus layer in the stomach. Cessation of valproate sodium and or an entric coated variety also make a world of difference. If you need the med (I know you said you weren’t medicated currently) there are better options that are easier on the gut.

Beyond that, we can intervene nutritionally to attenuate weight loss.
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Brother. I’m not familiar with how to private message someone on this site. But I can provide greater insight via DM without compromising HIPPA. I applaud your open demeanor here and will say that I would be the same were it me. IDGAF, we’ve all got problems and problems require solutions.
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In the research I read through, ulcers can happen even if you only took the med for 30days. It’s not overly common according to Phase IV trials, but it does happen. That infra-thoracic pain on eating with/ without the heartburn and everything else you’ve described is classic for gastric ulcers. I’ll post medical nutrition therapy for ulcers below. It might get you some relief until you can get in with a doc.

Nutrition concerns right now, as triage, incude protein status (at least 2.2g/kg/lean body mass), hydration status, micronutrient deficiency (vitamine A, B-12, folic acid, D, E, K, zinc, selenium). If results come back from the doc indicating any anemia (probably not since you mentioned that energy status was okay) then you’d also have to consider managing iron.

Below are some considerations for nutrtion intervention. Remember, this is therapy to fix a chronic condition.
  • For now, eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. distention of the stomach causes a majority of acid-producing stimuli in the gastric phase of digestion.
  • Lean meats, yogurt, eggs, protein sup (protein management is critical to wound healing).
  • Leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, avocado, assorted berries
  • whole-grain bread, fiber-rich foods, oats, barley,
  • tree nuts, flax seed, chia seed.
  • omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil or fatty fatty fish. If taking fish oil and you get the ‘fish burps’ that typically indicates some rancidity. Best to go with a quality brand or just have a few ounces of salmon, snapper, mackrel, etc).
  • Start with a meal that contains about 150 calories containing protein and some of the veggies on the list. Stay away from caffeine, and booze for now. Try an over-the-counter antacid. I’d suggest for meal one, a cup of yogurt and some berries.
  • Consider the use of OTC antacids.
See what that does brother. These types therapy are not a one size fits all, these are broad basic considerations that can be tweaked to fit your unique physiology.
Joe said:
In the research I read through, ulcers can happen even if you only took the med for 30days
I believe that it was only 3-4 days before the side effects were extremely noticeable and I started bleeding heavily into the toilet at that point I was traveling and the hospital doctor said I wouldn’t die so I came back and was told by a psychiatrist that it ws bug bites I almost beat him to death. Smh
Joe said:
That infra-thoracic pain on eating with/ without the heartburn
This came back yesterday the burn over the pain and I also started bleeding again im guessing that there linked.
Joe said:
Consider the use of OTC antacids
I used 2 yesterday and I don’t ever take otc meds. Or atleast try not to
Joe said:
probably not since you mentioned that energy status was okay
Energy is there im not lathergic but I can’t do physical activity that energy is gone

Yesterday I ate nothing and today might be the same I try to eat but once it goes down im in pain killer needed pain and I can’t use pain killers so I have to avoid that because that’s how I can easily relapse especially since im unmedicated.

Im really worried now about trying to take medications that are going to tear my stomach up even more.

I appreciate your reccomendations brother I will dive in and see what I can do but the eating just isn’t going to happen only in small amounts especially until this settles back down a bit

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I understand brother. What I recommended nutritionally may actually give you some temporary relief, although I’m not completely sure, keep in mind, we are proceeding without an official Dx. We have got to slow down that weight loss though. And the lack of energy is likely more the effect of low-calorie intake rather than anemia. We won’t know without a CBC honestly.

Did the antacids help?

I absolutely understand the hesitancy to take OTC meds, I’m certainly not a doctor or an RN and I’m not admonishing to something, especially if it causes anxiety. But if you got some relief, and were able to tolerate eating…

I know you don’t want to take OTCs. If you’ll indulge me with a little more advice-giving, you could try Prilosec or Zantac if the pain gets too bad. Prilosec keeps your stomach from overproducing acid. Zantac works differently, it’s a histamine H2 antagonist that blocks the pathways by which acid is produced. The half-life of these medications is 4-6 hours so they are gone pretty quick. If the pain gets too severe before you get into see a doc, they might be worth a try. Just letting you know what is out there.

There is some talk out there about turmeric and curcumin, but the efficacy of these is dubious and could actually make the condition worse by causing overproduction of acid downstream.

That ‘burning’ and then the ‘pain’ is also a classic sign of an ulcer. What we have to do is manage acid production in the stomach. Hence the very small food portions, and the protein at every meal. Protein and fiber together tend to buffer the acid transiently. Small portions mean your chief cells won’t be sending in the battalion when they only need a fire team.

Based on what you told me, I doubt this is an h-pylori thing. I think it’s logical to assume that it’s drug-related. The stomach has a powerful ability to heal itself but to do that you need protein. If the weight loss gets too severe they may recommend parenteral feeding to restore energy homeostasis. That means you’ll get feed through an IV for a little while, and a guy like me will be figuring the macros in accordance with the nutrition Rx.

Not trying to scare you here, but you’ve been dealing with this for a while. The ulcerations can get so severe that they block the passage of chime to the proximal small intestine. It can also breach the stomach and begin affecting nearby organs, like the pancreas. I think you are a while from having to worry about that, but it’s still an issue that needs some immediate medical attention.

Beyond that, exercise, good sleep, low stress, are all things I’d recommend if you came into the office. If you like to read, there is a great book written by a neuroendocrinologist named Robert Sapolsky titled “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”. It’s all about the cumulative effects of stress and how it negatively impacts our physiology.

Hope some of this helps you, brother. Again, I fully understand and respect your position on this. I just wanted you to have options if you need them. :+1:t4:

As always, I’m here for any questions you may have.
Yea tons of good info. I just had a little episode of similar shit this week. Stomach bloating, then pain, then it affects my back it seems to tense it all up. Just went to the store to scoop some powerful enzymes and some greens powder. Gonna try to do a mini cleanse give the GI track a break. Feel like it may be food triggered maybe gluten? I feel for you @Bigmurph shit really affect my well being and I know you’re in a worse situation. Stay on it keep fighting till you figure out what’s going on and get some relief
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