SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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I don’t know if it’s that they actually believe it. I find it hard to accept that they are aware of how little they are actually doing. No one intentionally goes to the gym to be bad at it? Right?
That’s the thing they don’t ask for help and do what they know I can see that definitely happening especially with most using YouTube it seems for training
They see the pros doing something and think oh that’s what I need to do. When they seem to not realize they are attacking weakness rather than building their entire body at that point.

That sounds about right I just don’t understand they can see that the machine moves so much further why risk injury and really not use the full motion.
You wouldn’t want to build 4 inches of muscle you want your entire muscle to grow. I understand that’s not how it works but it seems similar.
I’ll say the guys hitting depth are the ones that look like they played sports or the the really nerdy looking guys who are just starting out. It’s the I wear shirts that make you think They served but didn’t guys that do all the ego lifting and it’s probably quarter squats. For them.
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NeuroRN said:
see the pros doing something
Yep. I was watching branch warren train on YouTube… he was doing single arm rows in a machine… he was doing partial reps in the video i was watching. I thought that same thing. Some kid is going to short change himself because he seen an extremely advanced pro doing it.
If you only knew how pertinent that statement was in the medical field. I once had a patient who had been in the unit for 3 weeks. No one could figure out why she started going septic. We did cultures on every device. All negative.

I finally had her as my patient. And was like hey has anyone checked her for a tampon? … … … crickets. Fuck me. I’ll do it.

My friends… it wasn’t a tampon. She cut the corner off a Walmart bag. Put some nuggets of weed in the bag. Twisted it up. Shoved it up her cooter. And it had been brewing for 3 weeks. Sepsis mystery solved.
Woooo that’s absolutely crazy why didn’t she smoke it 😳 joking that’s absurd but I would have gone to that first because that’s all I know that would cause sepsis. I can’t believe that took 3wks crazy good catch brother
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