SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Ok still have to sit up a bit to get bar unracked and rack in back is too bmfar back guess it’s either smith machine or standing ohp for me
Yeah that will be next week I moved to smith and got 310 on it for last set of six. Was doing 245 on free weights also the seat is so low in other machine
It’s fixed like bench and t has front and back racks if I had a lift off it wouldn’t be that bad I may just do sm machine to load the weight then db later in workout for stabilizers
I don’t know the equipment you’re using but that sucks it helps alot having the back support doing military press overhead.
You don’t want to mess up your lower back its a great lift though I like using barbell but dumbbells I really like because you really have to hold your form.
Yeah just tried dosing db and man I can’t get my triceps to fire after doing the heavy smiths so I guess I got good wrk done I can take pic in a minute doing incline front raises now so my delt gets more work
The db definitely makes you use all your muscles because no stability from the barbell.
I believe that you will really like the db overhead

I used to do dbs to start shoulder day May do that then love to smith to some real heavy sets cause the opposite way didn’t work haha. My issue with db is getting the weight up I was doing 110 for 12 before injury
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I guess you would have to grab it from behind but even my equipment Im able to get underneath my bar sitting up and unrack the bar sitting in the middle doesn’t help much
I think it woo ups be better off having one rack and move the seat in either direction also that damn seat is so low lol make it higher and just let people put feet flat on floor hahah
First thing I noticed. That seat is low to me and my inseam is nothing! I don’t know how you get down there
Shoulder days was
Seated military sets of 6-245x3
Sm military 6-290 ,310
Cable rear delts 12-25
Cable high pulls 8-40x3 this is where pump started to kick in
Bent db rear delts 12-40’sx3
Incline front delt raise fail-15x3
Lat raise heavy partials 20-50’s x4
Rear delt machine fail cluster- 35 one giant set of 60 reps with rest for 10 seconds each fail

My shoulders are still tingling haven’t used any pump product this week as I’m on last 10 cialis and putting off ordering more tilm I have jump in funds that fluctuate
Dragging ass hard tonight at work just make it through tomorrow then deload and hope I get some better sleep and recovery with the hgh use again if I can get 6 on work days and 10 on days off I’ll be a happy man going forward
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