SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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I’m just now having moments when I oookninnmirror and say damn that’s actually Impressive
Fucking lack of energy I should
Have just fluffed this week and done maxes on week that I had the days off I do major compound lifts
560 again no gains which I know I have more need this deliad and regroup feel beat the fuck uo my forearm even started to bother me just hold bar on back. I probably only really slept like 3.5 hours I can tell when I’m fresh that I can actually used explosiveness whwreslas I’m just trying to slowly power through shit
Good news is I don’t see sleep be able
To get worse on tren. Going to set alarm for 5 on tomttow and just get off at 7 and not leave bed till it goes unles bathroom calls and maybe have shake
I’m just going to deload next week see how body feels and make decision in if I should try another 531 or just do 12 week hypertrophy meso then start to look into contest prep I could use some size on my legs but still practice things like heavy walk outs to get body ready for run for some numbers
What’s sucks the most is I can tell it’s not muscle fatigue but def cns that is holding back the lifts. Cause I don’t feel anything in legs after missing on lifts like they were exerting anything hard but I feel over like I there is nothing there more I think of it the more I’m
Leaning towards just doing the hypertrophy block. And just get to growing honestly with injury that was basically what I did with chest and we see how that’s working I can do 531 on bench still and just go to sets of 6-8 on squats and dead’s for a month or two.
Hahaha. Ya see that a lot.
NeuroRN said:
don’t think I’ve seen but 1-2 guys hit depth on squat in a long time. Saw a guy put 20 plates on a leg press and total range of motion was maybe 4 inches. And he yelled the whole time.
I heard those machines are bad for the knees cause they allow the body to put more shear on the knees then what they are supposed to be able to handle.
I never have issues from leg presses but I’m not trying to load more weight than I can do a full range of motion as my ankle gets more mobile the weight starts to drop.
Went through phone and This was a year ago man what a difference


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