SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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So back to not doing the right thing and staying up on day off so I will be hitting gym four hours earlier in hopes my post workout hgh will knock me out for a good nap then I’ll be up for dinner and into 3 am
The earliest for bed
At gym going to do some
Speed work on dead’s then mess with sumo
, pins squats and pump work
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495 for sets of 5 speed worked me harder than grinding through 600 for 5 did the prior couple weeks this will pay dividends I can tell. Also sumo 405 for sets of 10felt good actually. May just do sumo for the next two months and see where it goes can always switch back convetional and do speed work on regular at same time

Your BP today on the chart
Nap went well I guess al Amaya feel I could sleep more. But with tren an eq base running through system I’m just happy I got any shut eye. Hope that was enough to get me
To stay up late and sleep till around 2
First arm day in a few weeks and man this sd has pumps insane. I’m not even using cialis or otc nitric boosters and my arms feel like they are going to explode before I’m even on working set of jms
I’ve done some barbel curls. And now jms and when I straighten arm it almost feels like the bis are going to tear. It’s day to three of test prop tren ace and sd I’m already sweating like pig so hydration is key. It’s funny ebbed my pressing motions I feel the pump in bi’s more than anything must be my supper slow motion lower of bar
Ok so four days into
Tren sd and test prop daily injections. I’m fucking sweaty. 90 degree weather starts now and all my muscles are tight as fuck guess this shit is working
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