SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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It definitely could be this is why we say listen to your body it really is the best guide besides blood work lol
Yeah I believe that you have been going hard for awhile and your body is growing alot and with that sleep is definitely needed I believe sleep to be in the most important things in our lifestyle.

There have been multiple studies done on people who get enough sleep being really healthy. The people who didn’t sleep properly had a gut it messes with your digestion and then your stomach effects your brain which causes stress and before you know it your a mess like me because you can’t sleep.
I’m def a mess so been a week out of gym going to do lunch shoulders then nap before work with the help
Of post work out hgh
I would say get some blood work done but I believe that you are just worn out and tired if it continues I would definitely recommend blood work to make sure all is well
I don’t believe that its anything crazy you have just been putting in work.

Blood work will show that hopefully and great Harm Reduction
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That would be shitty and actually you would feel tired like you do from that I believe but im no doc I just wish the best for you I have watched you drop weight and alot to then replace it all with mass. One of the best journey’s I have followed at ugmuscle.
Still feel tired though it’s like now I’ve
Gotten too much sleep bout to do 8 days in row again and stay on sleep schedule with less pinning and staying away from pwo injects this next 3 weeks I’ll be able to sleep in and not worry about getting compounds in me
To hit when I get to gym just have to have atleast an hour after meal before working out
Got forearm workout breaking up gaba powder to be sifted this morning and finally got a badge that works for clocking in and out so no more worrying about working and time getting wntered bout to put in it regularly and try see if I can’t get about 10g extra on yearly salary
This week has felt weird with only pinning twice again minus hgh. Also got to think should I take my hgh on vaca with me it will be finish of one bottle and beginning of next I may just take the one and start next bottle day later
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