Go ahead big guy. Treat yourself to the devils breakfast pastry. Just don’t let them drag you down. Get your tart on and walk away before they grab you.
She has a thing of sugar cookies box of birth cake mini muffins which I believer the real term is cupcakes but what ever Lil Debbie says yo make people feel healthier
Squats went better than I hoped sets of 3 460,470,480,490. Back started to feel tight so stopped legs feel strong. I think going to to two leg days and splitting volume and hitting more lifts fresh will help
Had a good work out hell May make me move
Second leg day to fridays but I’m bout sure as I’ll be switching whole program in the near future to pure powerlifting type program.
Squats already posted
Rdls sets of 8-405x3
Leg press sets of 12-9pps getting a so much deaper than I was less weight is much harder 3 sets
Close leg press 7pps 2 sets
Standing leg curl 12-130x3
Leg extension 12-250x3
Got it last year won His first pro event Tampa pro. So made it to the big stage. Also want to apologize for not keeping the best log lately this move to thirds has been rough on me feel I bit more depressed than I thought I would. Even with the decent job here I don’t feel this is the place for me long term and miss being home with my poeple. Go have no social circle here which I no works for some people but I need to be around others and just actually bs in person. I have one friend that isn’t over an hour away and my gf doesn’t trust me to me t up with him for drinks or anything cause I she thinks he will try shave me cheat. I think when we break up a third
Time it will be for good cause I can’t be with person who doesn’t trust me.
I agree. Make sure you are getting some sunshine. Some dreaded cardio will get the serotonin flowing as well. Night shift depression is real, all too real.
Working at night is rough on the mind also brother. Sounds like you need a little vaca break. Even if you spend the day in a park just get out into the sun it will help it helped me alot on my last vacation.
Going to get in the gym and just do bench today can make up everything else
Tomorrow but if I at least get in and do major compound lifts that’s a win
Bench went on well just feel lack of energy. Got 440 for 5 2 sets so strength is there just don’t feel I have the full workouts in me. Think I may just have to start doing work outs after work which will be fine cause that’s better than no doing them I honestly don’t feel as worn down at 7 am as I did at 7pm even if it’s both after 12 hours work. I can get home by 9 sleep till 5 then do what ever till time to go In I got to find something that works cause missing the gym cause I’m depressed leads to being depressed cause I’m missing the gym. Either way putting off cycle till it’s all figured out May just ended up cruising to fall and do short tren run of 8 weeks then 8 week break before hitting the ment just got to go by how body is feeling
Its hard with 12hr shifts especially at night. The way I have seen others do this is set a schedule like I read you did I believe that it will help alot.
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