SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Yeah to actually did better bench session got 450 for 4 failed on fifth rep weird having to e double spot hahah
With kissing about half the gym days the past two weeks I feel small but strength numbers are mostly there’s so that’s good I’m thinking of actually going to to four day pl split with arm day thrown in for the ladies haha give me more rest and not have the worries of trying to make gym almost everyday also be mostly just compounds and 3 accessories each session just stream line everything and try to make
Th was strength gains
Dirtnasty said:
with arm day thrown in for the ladies
Makes sense lol

I believe that the split will help especially with the new hours at work. A strong schedule will help alot with the night hours same thing everyday keeps you sain
That’s because your huge and you need to stand next to an average sized person we all feel small probably some suffer from body dismorphia
I’ve seen it around the forums
I feel small until other people come around me
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If you’re small, brother, then I’m a fucking pipsqueak!

You have body dysmorphia, like most of us and most pro bodybuilders. Have you seen the video where Chris Bumstead, Mr. Olympia, breaks down and cries about how he hates how his body looks?! That’s the worst case of it I’ve ever seen. No wonder he wins the Olympia again and again!
Brother @Dirtnasty im guessing no matter where you go you are the strongest person there. Work, Walmart, restaurants. People are probably always looking at you in awe!!! You just don’t notice it cause they are scared if you see them notice you so they prolly look away quickly lol.
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