This is extremely true my wife will follow me through a crowd because everyone just parts around me as I walk.
It has its good and bad like I can move right through a crowd but law enforcement sees me as a threat automatically which is not good.
You are right also about people looking I catch alot of those quick look aways lol there just checking out the mass right lol
Haha. Yup. I’m not a muscleman yet but I’m already big enough I get that. I got to a wrestling tournament and I see lots looking. Lol. Your wife is smart. Use you what your good for lol. And I love law enforcement but at the same time Fuck law enforcement for both of us. Edit… my fuck law enforcement. Fuck the legal system
They were earlier in spring. They were all actually good. Watched my son almost get pinned. Was on his back arching with his head and neck then boom reverse and pin. Whole crowd went OoooHHHH!!! Best reverse I ever saw
It was ok but I do honestly respect them alot right now I would have got another job in the private sector if I was an officer. Its crazy what I have seen them going through smh
I saw a video yesterday of NYC cops fighting a large group when I say fighting I mean just that the group and the officers were throwing punches and fighting it was a huge street fight.
Stuff like that is crazy and helps solve nothing just causes more problems for both sides
Ya them dudes need to be arrested and put away for some time. I have never fought back against cops. They don’t even kno wtf they fighting for. They just a bunch trouble makers jumping on the bandwagon instead of looking for a fucking job. SMH twice. Lol
I’ll try to dig it up. I think I saw it on Reddit. It was just a clip of him crying and talking about how he hates how he looks and had to get past that. It was heartbreaking.
Failed on fourth half way. Been a hit a
Month since I’ve worked back and I can tell I’m a sweaty mess but I’m back at it and won’t stop now gainz are coming going to look lean and mean by the end of 12 weeks here
I wish I could measure your chest around your back your so wide you got wings growing and getting bigger since last back pic
Also your traps are huge I can tell there big as F$%^ lol
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