SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Yep and why go to new shift having that shit go on I’ll just go back to being single and banging college students
It turns out she has PCOS which is why she got shit taken out and can’t have kids. So basically we are both with elevated test levels. Makes sense why she is always wanting sex and to fight bitches
Dl I can’t do that once on squat got long femurs built for pulling haha
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Doing front squats with rack position. Light worthy to get that flexibility built up technique before weights learn from my mistakes of younger self
Hemoglobin good 13.2 so improvement give a few weeks to let things keep improving
Yesterday’s leg workout
Dead’s sets of 5-590,610,590 495 x3 no straps
Front squats 8- 135x3 just trying to get used to rack position
Vsquat closed leg front squat 8-5ppsx2 5pps and 10
Stand leg curls 12-125x3
Leg extensions 12-230x3
Blood donation center. I take cialis to very other day. Yesterday was a cialis day. Now my daddies have high blood pressure so mine being good has been surprise to me.
Im curious about starting cialis as a blood pressure medication and for ED I can kill 2 birds with one stone. Cialis is expensive though and I know that it was originally supposed to be a BP med but I don’t know yet if it will control my BP.
Im looking into it though what do you think?
I think it’s a good option for you. There’s so many benefits from it. With you already having high BP and the ED troubles I think it’s a great starting point.

There are subscription services that bring down the cost some.
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