SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Nothing worse then getting the under seasoned piece of chicken in your third chicken and rice meal of the day powered through but it was tough. Will say even though I’m staying in the mid 280’s for feel like I’m seeing more loose belly skin and things are tightening up some.
Gotta keep the sugar free ketchup, sugar free bbq sauce, or mustard around your workplace if possible. Fortunate I got a fridge here at work to keep stuff like that around. Bland leftover chicken is the worst
I have really good genetics to build on I mean at 19 I was hitting 435 bench 585 squat and 385 hang clean. Never will know my natural dl as never did it
Not even that sure you have a massive frame so you can pack on a ton of mass but brother you have put in so much work to get to where you are its amazing. You set goals and you are achieving them and have set new ones you look great now your killing it again and I believe that you still have farther that you are going to go
So I’m thinking of running a mid dose of clen to help me stay awake on switch to night shift I wouldn’t mind losing some fat as well thinking maybe 80 I need to look up if it will affect hemoglobin though
Shoulders today
Sm military sets of 8-260x3 feeling good here
Cable high pulls 8-32.5x3
Seat bent raises 12-25’s
Hammer shoulder press face front 12-110
Partial lay raises 20-45’
Super set with bent partial raises 12-45’s
Love reading his workouts. Big numbers. Can’t imagine what some of those would look like on a barbell. 610 pounds and that’s working weight. Lol
Ok yesterday’s leg day was short cause I had to clean up condo for gf coming over to watch wrestlemania

Squats sets of five -495x4 missed fifth rep last set standing leg curls12-135
Leg extensions 15-240
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