Dirts 2g of test test log

Now I hadn’t taken shot yet and dropped down to 300 with some sleep yesterday but it also make me wonder if the wrist thing is accurate as this sleeve actually fit. Forgot to time blood but it was fast she didn’t even leave when she saw the boood rolling saying you must be hydrated
No telling. Bp will fluctuate throughout the day and vary person to person.

Yours is so good. A fluctuation north won’t hurt.
Comp squats sets of three I may have strep but training just happen. Thought I was losing voice from working so much and sleeping with mouth open but coworkers have sore throats as well that’s what we get for our shift switch make out sessions. But it’s helps with the communication of guys so much
Hit 545 so about 530 comp going for 555 for triple. Forearm starting to hurt so this will be last set also juat feeling sick and long work hours so happy this is last week of ot til meet
Since my whole prep got shot by covid think I’m going to deload next week do maxes then 53 week off meet. Will hire coach and do it right next go round. Although I had a good plan but shit happens. Also I’ll have extra cash to not work extra hours and just get these gainz
Todays workout
Squats 515 545 555(2)
Sldl sets of 4 with exploding up and control down 405,455,495,405
Leg press sets of 8 11ppsx2
Good girls full rack till failx2
Need to get some more conditioning I seem to die after tops sets like I felt if I kept going rotb 545 I had 1-2 more then second. Of just 10 more pounds my eyes almost popped out haha
Edit forgot to add forearm pain went away after squats do positives moving forward. I will hit a 1900 total one way or another and then get I. Better shape get some condioning in muscles so I can push harder and next meet get 2000 in focused and determined
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495 on sldl May have been a bit much for back. Could sleep the pumps got so bad in bed. So late to work although I’m not scheduled I wanted those 12’s well for once they have full work force got told to stay home so I guess no double pay Friday just time abs half with extra 40 for Wolof for a guy
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Got my singlet from efts will have to find place to embroider. All online custom had 6 singlet minimum. Now looking to book place to stay
Back is still tight luckily it’s lighter day of bench May even not even bench just start with jms and then bb incline

cant tell if I’m prepping for pl or off-season bb
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Ok todays lifts
Jm press sets of three 340,360,380,380 thought about 400 but didn’t want to push it with no spot even if using smith
Incline bench 3x6-365 triceps were limiting factor didn’t even feel any chest
Tbar rows mid back 3x8-4plates
Lat raises3x12-40 then drop set down rack
Cable flies lay pull downs as sets of 8 42.5/220
I suck at incline press I can bench 425 flat but just did a 10rm of 205 and that was rpe10. Im working on it though. I get you my triceps always fail the last quarter of the incline press motion.
If fresh mine aren’t that far off. When I could flat bench for 5 months the first month of pressing i juat did incline. I almost said fuck it I’ll just get to 500 here. Think I could get 459 right now but I don’t really do incline it once a month now. Trying to keep upper pecs full
Just did pump pwo for arms and rear delts haven’t have citrulline agmatine and glycerol in forever hope for some
Gnarly pumps had cialis yesterday. I’m not taking that for pumps but to keep blood pressure bette speaking of time to take it and let poppy know I’m safe hahah
Least wrapt 170/111 right wrist 130/81. So I’m not sure how good o can trust the wrist one