Dirts 2g of test test log

I’ve got a headache started and my nose is starting to run if I have covid again or some other illness I’ll just give up this meet. I’m
Supposed to be recovering abs feeling better this week not worse
Ok so I have pharmaqo cialis and I may not be able
Take this shit at 20 pumps are too much I can’t finish sets cause I’m
I’m too pumped
Also doing mwt from here to meet with Friday or Saturday as optional arm
Day nothing but movements going forward 3 weeks of juat heavy aas kitherfuckinf training
My god me with pump I think I’ll do well when transitioning from pl to bb. I look great
My lats hair from keeping tight on bench are popping

Was better 10 minutes earlier
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Well lost what was pretty much an uncle for the last 10 years of life. Drunkle Mitch had his last drink last night. We knew it was coming but I deal for the rest of the family so much. This is not blood related but the family treated me as one even so much at one family dinner they referred to me as the future husband of my friends sister cause of bet the father and I had for hand.