Dirts 2g of test test log


For not doing dead’s in ; weeks and coming off binge I feel great here today. I will crush this. I’m crying cuase I got it up with lockout I fucked myself for
Too long it’s time to start lifting serious weights
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First dedicated back day in 5 months felt great I didn’t want to stop but knew I had hit max number of sets I can recover from after taking break I can see not all 10 pounds I e added this week have been good start 10 minutes of cardio a day next week
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Todays workout
Dead’s maxed 675 then drop set 585 for five no straps
Tbar row 4x8-4plates
Lay pull down 3x12-200
Kroc rows 3x10-125
Straight arm pulldown 3 sets failure 28.5 15,15,16.
Great workout they seem to be getting better each day can’t wait for shoulders tomorrow
Well fell
Asleep at 10 and woke up at 12 tried to calm back asleep so I would be good for 12 game today but no go guess I’ll just sleep after game and then be awake all night
I guess pre gym sex is in the table so off I go with not trying to date I’m taking all the sex I can get while I can get it right now who knows when it’s gone if I’ll get any for awhile
Fotrgot to add I am had bottle 3 bottles of npp laying around so just decided to add them while I finish out this eq and I think it maybe culprits for added sexual drive
Don’t tell neuro but this morning with ex. It went well actually no fighting cause she doesn’t want to date me
Anymore I was used for fick and I’m fine with it.