Dirts 2g of test test log

Ok arms day
Warm ups with spongy grip push downs
Jm press sm 3x6-340x2 360
Cable curls 4x15-57.5
Dips 3xfail-8,14,13 didn’t go into first set with any test form curls and arms em weren’t ready
Incline curls 3x12-35
Over head cable tricep extensions 3x12-85

Random though on mtrn make a shirt likes hansons mmmbop but with bb and mmmtrn
Dirtnasty said:
It will. Make sure your using light enough weight that you can get that mind to muscle connection and isolate. Most people use too much weight and then the arms and shoulders take over. You probably already know this but throwing it out there anyways
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Sent me home 6 hours early last night so I’ve gotten a few zzz’s. Now feel even more tired hahah
He said earlier he doesn’t care.

I guess it’s good for us…we can gaze on his handsomeness.
Stopped caring To cover u mean all the local law pretty much knows the deal as I know what there programs are as well haha
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It did for first couple days now I’m back to not sleeping well why I slept last night. But it’s better 5 hours daily than. 16 every 3 days or what ever
May not do dead’s today as all bars are taken and I’m not about to eoR just do some great back work
Think I’m going to do dead’s like squats I have 6 plates will work up to 6 reps then add weight and go from there no maxing just progression in reps then weights. I’m hoping it’s a little better on strengthening tendons this method when I did this style with bench when I got back to power lift program it seemed they better
Equipped for heavier weights
Back day
Dead’s 3x3 -585 next week will be five reps I feel
Tbar row 4x8-4plates
Iso lay pull downs 80 and arm 4x12
Mid back row machine3x15-130

Spent too much time talking between sets like I’m still powerlifting so didn’t get as many lifts as I hoped cardio 10 minutes 3.0 incline 3mph
Working on getting everything as lean as those forearms but then again those always hurt so maybe fat is good