Dirts 2g of test test log

Set up training session with chick trainer at gym after my meet she has competed in the one below bb for women. Going to have Prut me through leg day I’m attracted to her so also probably try to get other leg involved

291 this morning want to be 305 at comp so got some weight to gain

Comparison to year ago
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Thanks I fee big right now. Lots of size going to legs. I think I’m one of those people that responds better to less frequency on body parts. When I’m done with this it’s back to one time a well each body part till next meet prep. Maybe it’s lack of sleep but my body needs more days to rest between doing muscle group
So today’s lifts.
Comp bench doubles460,480,460 drop down to 405 for 5
Tbar row 4x6- 4 plates one set with five plates for 4 reps
Jm press 3x5-325
Lay pulldown 3x8-220
Lay raise 3x20-15
Rear delts using lay raise machine 3xfail 50-17,18,15
Iso hammer shoulder press 2x8-150 each side
I’m forgetting a chest movement but can’t remember what
Nice work. That’s an insane amount of weight for a Jim press. That about my one rep max for bench and your using it for JM. Lol. Keep this up and you will be hitting 600 next year.
Dirtnasty said:
I will hit 600 raw this time next year you can bank on that
There is this one dude at the new gym I go to he use to do over 600 bench. He is super fat and super strong. He asked me if I could spot him the other day he was going for 525 two times. I looked at the BB loaded and I looked at him and said if something happens and your shoulder goes or whatever I cannot do anything with that lol. I grabbed another guy and we stood one on each side for his spot.
I don’t go for anything on bench I don’t know I can get if Injury happens so be it. But if I won’t UNESCO something I can’t get for atleast one rep.