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DiscoStu's Supertotal Training

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AM bodyweight 219.5lbs

AM Workout
2 Rounds of Bodyweight Circuit Training (15 different exercises for :12s ON/:24s OFF)

PM Workout
Light Bodybuilding workout (10 different exercises for 2 sets of 10-12 reps)

Pinned 200mg Test C in the AM

Light day today as I have another heavy snatch and squat day tomorrow. These types of workouts actually help me a lot with recovery while also keeping me fit.

Did a poor job tracking macros today. Got a feeling I may have gone over but not gonna sweat it and we’ll jump back on the horse tomorrow.
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Morning bodyweight 219.6lbs

AM Session

Long dynamic warm up and a bunch of short sprints

PM Session

Power Snatch 6x1 (165lbs)
Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 6x1 (165lbs)
Split Jerk from Rack 4x2 (170lbs)
Back Squat 3x5 (308lbs)

Technique is feeling a little more dialed in (my snatches on monday were a little sloppy)

Nutrition was okay - went a little higher on the fats than I like but I kept the carbs lower to make up for it and still hit my target for calories.


AM Lifting

Power Clean + Push Press - 3x3 (165lbs)
Deadlift - 2x5 (365lbs)
RDL - 4x5 (245lbs)
Bench Press - 4x5 (193lbs)

Deadlifts felt rough but everything else was easy.


Fun little “workout” with the wife 😎

45 min bike ride
1 beer
45 min bike ride home

Looking forward to an off day tomorrow. First week of training went well and I’m looking forward to the next 11!

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It was a nice little mid ride treat plus I still woke up at a new bodyweight low of 219.0.

I’ve been following a IIFYM philosophy with diet which I’m really enjoying. Makes it easier to not sweat eating/drinking something junky on occasion which I think has been helpful for compliance.
Nice fun cardio should be the only cardio in my opinion lol
I hate cutting and I do cardio but would rather just lift with more intensity.

Great to see your down and im really enjoying your log

AM Workout - Bunch of sprints both with and without sled resistance

PM Workout

Snatch - 4x3 (176lbs)
Muscle Snatch - 6x2 (165lbs)
Back Squat - 3x8 (300lbs)

Was supposed to do a 4th set of squats and then some front squats but I ran out of time. Duty (aka the wife) called so I’ll have to make those up on another workout.

Training felt really good though. Really finding my groove with Olympic lifts again. I used to have great technique but I was always weak. So now that have a solid strength base I’m really excited to see what I can do.

Still no Anavar which has me frustrated but hopefully that gets resolved. My other concern is that I inquired about some Test as well so I started my cycle with what I have for TRT assuming it would arrive soon. Luckily I just got my script filled so I’ll have enough for the cycle and for a couple months after.

Nutrition was good today. Lowered my cals a little while keeping protein high.

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PM Workout

Tempo Run + Bodyweight Strength workout

12 Rounds of :25s Hard Run/:60s walk
after every run perform 10 reps of a different bodyweight/ab exercise (started :60s walk after that)

This absolutely kicked my ass. Maybe a little harder than I intended but I actually felt really good shortly after I finished.

Lowering my calories this week as my weight loss has slowed a bit and I want to make sure I’m still losing at least 1lbs per week.

Tomorrow I need to pin my second 200mg dose of Test C. Ive almost given up on my inquiry of Anavar but will continue with the 400mg Test per week. I will likely inquire with a different sponsor at some point and hopefully pick up an oral for the last four weeks of the cycle.

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AM Bodyweight - 218.2lbs (new low 😎)

AM Workout - Track sprint workout

PM Workout

Clean & Jerk - 4x3 (210lbs)
3s Pause Front Squat - 4x3 (242lbs)
Pause Deadlift - 3x3 (319lbs)
Bench Press - 4x8 (187lbs)
Spoto Press - 4x3 (187lbs)

Made up the front squats since I missed them on Monday which made this workout a bit of a ball buster. This week has been challenging overall but next week is a deload so mentally that helps.

Bodyweight is still coming down nicely and I got my 2nd dose of 200mg Test C pinned this morning.

Onward and upward
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AM Workout

25 minutes on the treadmill alternating between jogging, running and walking

2 Rounds of bodyweight circuit training

Still hitting my macros though hunger is becoming a little more challenging. Started to play around with higher volume meals (big salads, extra veggies with other meals etc) which has been helpful.


AM Training

Sprint workout
5 Stairs Sprints (approx 20 Yards)
5 20yd Sprints on flat ground

Followed by
Snatch 7x1 (177lbs)
Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat 6x1 (177lbs)
Jerk from Rack 5x2 (185lbs)

All those snatches were ROUGH. Ended up missing some reps here and there. My shoulders felt really fatigued today and I had a hard time stabilizing weight overhead. Training got cut short again due to work so I missed my squats but I can make them up tomorrow.

Work was busy so didn’t do a great job recording my nutrition today.

@Bigmurph . My original plan was Anavar but since I’m starting over I’m wondering is that is still my best bet if my goal is absolute max strength and power. I’m also looking at Anadrol or Tbol. Both seem a little cheaper as well. Is there another injectable that could be added in the last 4 weeks worth considering?
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If you want strength use adrol if you want strength tbol is weaker if you want more mass use adrol or Anavar.

Adrol is extremely toxic and produces estrogen
Anavar produces estrogen
Tbol doesn’t produce estrogen

Just a couple different things about the 3 compounds. I would say don’t change your plan but its up to you brother.

My choice is tbol at the beginning Anavar at the end
Gotcha - After digging around I’m leaning a little more towards TBol at the moment. Once I hit 215 I’ll slowly up my calories and allow myself to gain back up to 223-225 at the most. Since I’m more concerned with strength than mass and I like conservative choices TBol seems to check more boxes. I’ll think it over for a week before moving on anything though.

AM Lifting

Power Clean + Push Press - 4x3 (176lbs)
Hatfield Squat - 4x5 (335lbs)
Bench Press - 5x5 (209lbs)
RDL - 4x5 (242lbs)

90 minutes of bike riding

Next week is a deload week and this is supposed to be followed by a performance week (the hardest week of each phase) however I think I’m going to restart the 12 week training program with slightly lower training maxes. All of the training I’m doing while running a calorie deficit has me feeling a little beat up. So I think its better to start over and let me body catch up a bit and give me time to hit my bodyweight goal before I’m trying to hit bigger weights. It will be easier to get good lifts in once I can up my calories.

Calories were a little higher today due to a very high activity level. Still running a fairly decent dificit.


AM Bodyweight 218.6lbs

Pinned 200mg Test C in the AM

45 min hard bike ride today

Keeping calories lower today in an effort to wake up at a new bodyweight low tomorrow.

The coming week is a deload for training which I am looking forward to.


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AM Bodyweight 218.6 (it appears I have stalled)

AM Workout

Sprint workout
-Full dynamic warm up
-Speed drills
-Sled Resisted Sprints 3x30 yards
-Sprints 3x30 yards
-Hurdle Mobility

PM Workout (deload week lifting)

Snatch 2x3 (155lbs)
Muscle Snatch 4x2 (143lbs)
3s Pause Front Squat 2x3 (198lbs)
Hatfield Squat 2x8 (295lbs)

Really nice to have a light lift today. I just realized I haven’t had a deload week since late may so it feels good to take it easier for once.

Still solid on calories and macros. I’ve plateaued a bit at the 218s it seems so I’m hoping it gets moving again or I guess I’ll have to drop my calories again (or add cardio I suppose).


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