I have been working out a little over two years. I am 36,6ft tall,181 lbs. don’t know my body fat %… don’t think it’s much. I have a hard time gaining weight. Just recently started eating properly. I have run deca/tren/testE @ deca-400 mg,tren-400mg,testE 750mg per week for 4 months.didnt like it, especially the tren. I am a marine/Iraq/veteran an have sleeping issues and tren ruined my sleep. I have ran dbol50 mg a day split in half along with 500mg a sust.took me all of the 8 weeks on dbol to gain 9lbs…underdosed maybe?? I have ran anabolic n sust same as the dbol/sust cycle gained even less in two months,underdosed?? So The last cycle I did was a high amount of sust 750 a week I ran it for 6 months straight n have went from 173 to a constant 181. I am now in a strict diet will post a few pics of me a year or two ago til a few recent ones, any and all input will be appreciated!!