Doing what murph said

looking good bro thank you for your service! Might wanna add more food to your diet to help gain. Also get a calorie tracker app like myfitnesspal and start tracking. Ive been doing it for 1120 days straight according to my app :+1:t2:
I hav since the last pic put on another 12 lbs to be sittin currently at my wakeup weigh in 198-201, but as you know hav current eating issues, I will fix myself and get back on track
And I run things that I can keep most of my gains not this blow up water weight oral garbage or I wanna get big quick so let’s take the easy route
I love seeing progress pics. Your definitely moving along.
Where you’re at now I would say run a test,dhb or primo,
Test ,mast ,npp
Being lean you can stay lean and put on a ton of mass in either.
Looking great brother
If you’re not worried about losing hair test ,mast ,dhb, could be another solid combination.
I am running, mast e, tren e , test e, Proviron and adex and next spring/summer I will try primo as I have yet to use it
I’m a shaved head guy so yeah to hell with my hair… and yes dhbs suit my body well
@John Your going to love that 1-test cyp brother, I know it Crashes a bit but you know how bomb our gear is already and once heated it’s smooth as water and no pip 🙌
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Yes much to my woman’s dismay, she seen my stash the other day,and asked how is she ever getting a ring when all my money is in the form of a oil, with a label that says @Iron_Junkie_Labs
When you say Deca 400mg is that in one shot. My concentration is 100/ml I am at 200mg which is 2 ml shot which is a pain in the ass. When I am done with this batch I will try something else that is more concentrated. Love the support from this group
Yes 2 mls leaves my butt sore but then I doo my squats and the discomfort moves. My trainer says I am making great progress. I still bee this skinny kid. I do have good form!!!
When you inj injecting in the muscle that you are going to work out will make it so that the strong blood flow and pressure moving through will help spread the compound faster